Page 3 - The Regent Newsletter week 8
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03 Headmaster’s Desk Events this year are not just about Year 6
though. We also have our Kind Hearts Day in
Early Years, which combined with the spelling
bee which children have been preparing for, is
focused on raising funds tosupport those less
04 Hands-on Art fortunate than ourselves.
We will also be having our final class assemblies
of the year in the coming weeks and I look
forward to welcoming the parents of these
06 From Imagination to Reality classes into school to see your children perform.
Along with our art exhibition, assessment, coffee
morning, tea party and school picnic, it
promises to be another memorable term at
Regent Primary.
14 Curious Minds at Work In addition to the wide range of activities going
on this term, there is of course the small matter
Dear Parents
of the end of year exams which are due to take
Welcome back to the final half term of what
place from Wednesday June 19 th . As you are
has been a busy and productive year. I hope
aware, we have been working together to
that you all enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable
15 English midterm break with your families and that improve the attendance over the past term and
I am pleased to see so many of you return on
your children are ready to face the challenge
of another busy, yet enjoyable half term. time this week. With only four more teaching
days between now and the beginning of
the assessment window it is critical that
18 Medical Corner The final session of any school year is children take advantage of the support on offer
always a special one as thoughts turn to next
to them in class.
year and who the new teachers will be and
for some of our groups where the classes are
With such a broad calander of events, it is not
mixed, who the other children in our new class surprising that places at our school are in high
22 Nationalities will be. Of course our Year 6 children will be demand and enrollments for next year are
looking forward to their final term as primary
already well underway. I would like to thank
students and they will have many events over
those of youwho have I would like to thank those
the coming days and weeks to help them
of youwho have completed the intention to
celebrate their time with us and to prepare
re-enroll already, this helps us to plan ahead
them for the move to secondary school.
and to ensure that our current students