Page 17 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 25
P. 17

 Peer                   Scholastic International

 Teaching                     & Baker Books Club

  & Learning                                         Dear Parents,

                                                     There are only 3 days left to order from our latest
 Article by
  Mosopefoluwa Oladipupo   | Year 10 Volta           Scholastic Book Club.

 n  recent  weeks,  students  of  Set  1  year  10
                                                                         CLICK HERE
 were paired with students from other sets
 I in order to test collaborative learning. Orig-
 inally, I wasn’t too enthusiastic about this idea
                                                     to browse the latest books and order. Every $1 you
 but I eventually understood the goal.
                                                     spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20¢ for our

 Working with other students as a mentor helped      school in Scholastic Rewards.
 me  to  understand  topics  better  as  I  realised
 that  teaching  concepts  helps  the  information
                                                     Why order from Scholastic Book Clubs?
 to sink in better. I also realised that although I
 am strong in maths, there are definitely things
                                                       •  Great-value, quality children’s books selected
 I  don’t  understand  and  different  people  have
 different  ways  of  understanding  things  which        by our team of experts.
 can be helpful to learn new topics. As well as        •  Secure online purchase and payment.

 this, working with other people makes me more         •  Every order earns free books for your school.
 aware  of  my  surroundings  and  helps  me  to
 stop  going  off  topic  and  daydreaming  rather
                                                     Please place your order online by March 4th, 2024.
 than focusing.
                                                     If you will require my assistance, I can be contacted

 Ultimately, this exercise was definitely success-   at
 ful and has made Maths better and more en-

 joyable for me.
                                                                                                      Joy Okoro
                                                                                                  School Librarian

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