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The Early Years Department will be hosting journey. It serves as a significant milestone in their intellectual and emotional development in-
their Maths workshop on Thursday, 15th academic development, nurturing essential skills tertwine. The challenges and opportunities
A Message from February 2024. and facilitating emotional maturity. This crucial year presented during Year 6 give students the op-
Our Year 6’s have been very busy this term. Last lays the foundation for future success and prepares portunity to develop key social and emotional
MRS. DYER week we shared photos of them enjoying their students for the challenges they will face in their skills, such as resilience, self-discipline, and
educational and personal lives. The importance of
empathy. These skills are essential for build-
‘Crazy weekend’ at Regent Secondary school.
HEAD OF SCHOOL This Saturday they returned to Regent to sit their Year 6 cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in ing healthy relationships, managing stress
Regent Secondary School Entrance Exams. We shaping a student’s academic and personal growth. and anxiety, and navigating the complexities
are proud to say all of the children came out of of life. Year 6 acts as a bridge between child-
the exam feeling happy and confident having One of the noteworthy aspects of Year 6 in Abuja hood and adolescence, providing a support-
taken it in their stride. preparatory school is the curriculum we offer: The ive environment that encourages personal
Cambridge Curriculum. growth and emotional well-being.
The Cambridge Curriculum focuses on providing The importance of Year 6 also extends be-
a well-rounded education that cultivates critical yond academics and emotional development.
thinking, problem-solving, and independent learn- This critical year serves as a transition period,
ing skills. It fosters a holistic approach to education, preparing students for the next phase of their
nurturing both academic and personal development. educational journey. The skills acquired and
Students are exposed to a wide range of subjects, the experiences gained during Year 6 pave the
including English, Mathematics, Science, Humani- way for a seamless transition to secondary
ties, and Creative Arts. This comprehensive curric- education. Students become more self-reliant,
ulum equips students with a diverse skill set, setting organized, and adaptable, all of which are
them up for success in higher education and be- crucial qualities for success in higher grades.
Now, they are back in school and are focused on
Dear Parents, preparations for their Cambridge Checkpoint yond. The Cambridge curriculum move seamlessly In conclusion, Year 6 is a crucial year in a stu-
It was lovely to welcome the parents of our Exams which will be held in April. This exam from KS2 to KS3 and onto the IGCSE’s courses in dent’s academic and personal development.
year 3 children for their very moving Class is the opportunity for pupils to show what they KS4.
Assembly on ‘The effects of war on have achieved throughout their time in Primary Our focus on holistic education provides a
children’. This is a sensitive topic, but the school. The exams are marked by Cambridge Academically, Year 6 provides a platform for stu- strong foundation for our students to excel
children presented it with understanding Assessment International Education and dents to consolidate their knowledge and build academically. Additionally, Year 6 offers a
and empathy. Thank you to the children, provide an external international benchmark for upon the foundations laid in previous years. The supportive environment for emotional ma-
parents and teachers of Year 3 for a a child’s performance. classroom environment encourages active partici- turity, equipping students with essential life
wonderful presentation. pation and engagement, promoting a deeper under- skills. The experiences and skills acquired
We hope many of you will join us on Year 6 is such an important class; in the past it standing of concepts and ideas. At Abuja Prep, we during this critical year lay the groundwork
Thursday, 1st February for our KS1 and has been traditional for some parents to remove emphasise the application of knowledge to real-life for success in future academic pursuits and
KS2 Parents’ Maths Workshops. They their children from school at the end of year 5 situations, encouraging students to think critically personal endeavors. Year 6 truly plays a pivot-
promise to be fun, interactive and inform- and send them to Secondary school. Most and analytically. This analytical thinking enables stu- al role in shaping the trajectory of a student’s
ative, giving you an insight into how your reputable secondary schools don’t accept pupils dents to approach problems from different angles educational journey, setting them up for a
child learns Maths in School and what you at this age and if this is something you are con- and develop innovative solutions, preparing them bright and prosperous future.
can do to support them at home. templating, we ask that you think very carefully. for the challenges they will face in future academic Have a good week everyone.
• Maths Workshop for KS1 parents endeavors. Best wishes.
• Maths Workshop for KS2 parents The Importance of Year 6: A Crucial Year Furthermore, Year 6 plays a vital role in fostering Dominique Dyer.
for Academic Skills and Emotional Maturity:
2:30-3:30 emotional maturity. Students at this stage of their
Year 6 is a critical year in a student’s educational
educational journey are at a crucial age where their