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sessions. This includes a range of activities   ing improved cognitive skills, enhanced creativity, and increased self-confidence. It also pro-
 designed to stimulate children’s curiosity, cre-  vides a platform for self-expression and can be a source of joy and relaxation.
 ativity, and problem-solving skills. Among the   Music is the most effective way to develop the brain, and so the younger the child starts, the
 A Message from   many activities offered daily, they have added   more significant the effect may be.

 MRS. DYER  some new experiences.    Playing a Musical Instrument – A fantastic workout for the brain!
 In Reception, they explored plants and herbs

 HEAD OF SCHOOL  while role-playing in the outdoor kitchen and   For many years, scientists and researchers have been interested in the effect of playing a musi-
 mixing sand and water in the cement mixer   cal instrument on the brain. Studies have shown that engaging in music can profoundly impact

 while role-playing as builders. In the Nursery,   brain development, particularly in children.
 the children have been exploring magnets and   One famous study by Anita Collins, a well-known researcher in music and the brain, found
 have created a hairdressing salon. In Play-  that playing a musical instrument can change the brain’s structure. Collins discovered that
 group, they have been using sound shakers   when a person plays a musical instrument, multiple brain areas are activated and interconnect-

 to listen to and try to match identical sounds.   ed, leading to improved cognitive function, memory, and emotional well-being. This study pro-
 These activities are not only fun but also help   vides compelling evidence for the benefits of music education, and we encourage you to watch
 children develop important skills and knowl-  the YouTube video for a more in-depth look at her research.
 edge.    Learning to play a musical instrument can have lasting effects on children’s brain development.

 The children are having their final rehearsals   Research has shown that children who engage in music activities have better language and
 for next week’s music concerts. They promise   reasoning skills, improved coordination, and enhanced emotional intelligence. Playing a musi-
 to be a fantastic musical extravaganza, with   cal instrument requires the brain to coordinate multiple tasks simultaneously, increasing neural
 stunning performances and a lively atmos-  connectivity and overall brain health.

 phere. The concerts will start at 10 a.m. sharp,   Furthermore, playing a musical instrument has been linked to improved academic perfor-
 so please arrive a few minutes before then   mance. Studies have shown that children who play a musical instrument tend to perform bet-
 to ensure you are seated and ready for us to   ter in school, particularly in maths, science, and reading. This is because learning to play an
 begin.    instrument requires discipline, focus, and problem-solving skills, all of which are transferable

    to academic pursuits. By supporting your child’s musical interests, you are also supporting their
 Dear Parents,   Coming Soon   academic success.
    In addition to the cognitive benefits, playing a musical instrument can positively impact mental

 We have had another thrilling week. The Year 1   •  Music Concert: 20th-22nd May Monday,   health. Music has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and playing an instru-
 children were absolutely delighted to delve into   May 20th, 10 a.m. - Years 1 and 2    ment can be a form of therapy for individuals struggling with mental health issues.
 the mysteries of space. They came to school   Tuesday, May 21st, 10 a.m. – Years 3 and 4   Overall, the impact of playing a musical instrument on the brain is profound and far-reaching.
 on Friday dressed as astronauts, aliens, and   Wednesday, May 22nd, 10 a.m.– Years 5   From enhanced cognitive function to improved emotional well-being, engaging in music activ-

 more, truly embracing the spirit of exploration.   and 6.  ities can shape brain development at any age. So, whether your child is just starting their musi-
 Their excitement was palpable as they launched   •  French DELF exam: A1.1 Tuesday, May 28   cal journey or you’re considering picking up a new hobby, remember, the benefits of music are
 their own rockets, a testament to their curiosity   •  Mid Term break: Monday 27th May-Friday   not just for today, but for a lifetime.
 and eagerness to learn.   May 31  Please watch this YouTube video to learn more.

 In their PE lessons, children have been devel-  •  French DELF exam: A1 Tuesday, June 25
 oping skills such as hand-eye coordination,
 speed and agility, and teamwork through play-  Music is a big part of life at Abuja Prep; from   Have a wonderful week, everyone.
 ing team games. The children are having a lot   Pre-playgroup, we give children daily oppor-

 of fun playing games such as dodgeball and   tunities to sing and have weekly music lessons   Kind Regards
 handball.    where they begin to learn about tone and
 In the Early Years, over the last few weeks, the   rhythm. Music education has been shown to   Dominique Dyer.
 teachers have been working on developing en-  have numerous benefits for children, includ-

 hanced provision for the continuous provision

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