Page 31 - Newsletter Week 3 term 2
P. 31



                                                   OF THE
                                                   OF THE


       Name of the Student: Chioma Nwosu-Iheme -   Class:3R

       Title: Homecoming

       Author:  Micheal Morpurgo

       Genre: Adventure

       D  e s c r i b e yo ur f  a v o ur  i t e o r l e a s t f a v o ur i t e c har ac  t e r in t h e b  o o k :
       Describe your favourite or least favourite character in the book:

       My Least Favourite Character is Ms. Parson because she is mean, selfish and an-

       noying to Mrs. Pettigrew.

       A Concise summary:

       It is about a boy called Micheal who loves visiting Mrs. Pettigrew. A lot of things

       happened in the book, for example, a donkey died, a bomb was placed in Mrs. Pet-

       tigrew’s March and Mrs. Pettigrew moved to Thailand.

       Would you recommend this book to anyone? If yes, why?

       Yes, because it is interesting and easy to relate to.

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