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May                                                      For beginners, the A1.1 and A1 levels test
                                                                •  Mid Term break: Monday 27th May-Friday                    basic communication skills such as introduc-
        A Message from                                              31st May                                                 ing oneself, asking for directions, and ordering

        MRS. DYER                                               •  French DELF exam: A1 Tuesday 25th                         food in French. As candidates progress to
                                                                                                                             higher levels, the exam becomes more chal-
        HEAD OF SCHOOL                                                                                                       lenging, requiring them to express opinions,
                                                                French DELF exam                                             participate in discussions, and understand

                                                                Many of our Year 5 and 6 children have be-                   complex texts.
                                                                gun preparing for their French DELF exam.
                                                                They attend extra classes between 7:30 and                   Preparing for the A1.1 level of the DELF
                                                                8 and complete short revision activities at                  exam requires a solid understanding of basic
                                                                home. Abuja Prep does extremely well in this                 French vocabulary, grammar, and pronuncia-

                                                                exam, achieving some of the highest scores in                tion. The listening section assesses the candi-
                                                                Abuja.                                                       date’s ability to understand spoken French in
                                                                                                                             various everyday situations. The reading sec-

                                                                The DELF exam, short for Diplôme d’Etudes                    tion evaluates comprehension of written texts,
                                                                en Langue Française, is an internationally                   while the writing section tests the ability to
                                                                recognised assessment of French language                     express ideas in writing. The speaking section
                                                                proficiency. Designed for non-native speakers,
                                                                the exam is divided into four levels: A1.1, A1,

      Dear Parents,

      It has been wonderful to welcome you to the
      excellent work displayed in our Art exhibition
      this week. Our many visitors have been im-
      pressed by the skill and variety of mediums                                                                            involves a one-to-one conversation with an              valuable tool for measuring and improving your

      the children have explored throughout their art           A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Each level evaluates                 examiner, where the candidate must demon-               French language proficiency.
      lessons this year. A big thank you to Mr. Idoko           candidates’ language skills in areas such as                 strate their speaking skills by answering ques-
      and Mr. Issac for their hard work in not only             listening, speaking, reading, and writing.                   tions and engaging in a dialogue.                       We are very proud of our student’s dedication
      providing the children with exciting and inter-           French is not only a beautiful language but                                                                          and hard work; if your child has registered to

      esting art lessons but also preparing the exhibi-         also an essential language in Africa and across              Achieving a DELF certification can enhance  sit the exam, please support them by getting
      tion.                                                     the world. With over 220 million speakers,                   a young person’s career prospects, increase             them into school early and encouraging them to
      We have a busy term ahead; please see the cal-            French is the official language in 29 countries              their chances of studying abroad, and boost             study at home.
      endar for the entire term’s activities; in the next       and is widely spoken in international organisa-              confidence in communicating in French. As               Have a wonderful week, everyone.

      few weeks, we have:                                       tions such as the United Nations, the Europe-                children move onto Secondary education, they  Kind Regards.
                                                                an Union, and the African Union. Taking the                  can continue to develop their skills by sitting
      •  Music Concert: 20th-22nd May – more in-                DELF exam demonstrates proficiency in the                    the higher levels of the A2, B, and C exams.            Dominique Dyer.
         formation to follow.                                   language and opens up a world of opportuni-                  So, whether you are a student, professional,

      •  French DELF exam: A1.1 Tuesday 28th                    ties for study, work, and travel.                            or language enthusiast, the DELF exam is a

                     DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER                                            DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER
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