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Upcoming Events                                                                                                      students adjust to the school environment before classes start, mentally pre-
                                                                                                                                paring them for the day.
           Pre-Nanny Workshop: Wednesday 25th September 2024
           This meeting is open to all parents with Nannies, house workers and drivers                                          Research shows that punctual students are more likely to enter the classroom

           who work with the children at home. As a school, we ensure that we educate                                           with an open mind, ready to learn and participate actively. When students
           everyone on the importance of  child safety and care.                                                                arrive at school on time, they establish a routine that fosters discipline and
                                                                                                                                responsibility. This simple act helps them develop organizational skills and
           Safeguarding is essential to us, and we want to help parents understand its                                          time-management abilities that will benefit them during their school years

           importance regarding the staff  they leave at home with their children. During                                       and throughout their lives. Students who consistently arrive on time demon-
           this meeting, we will present what we intend to discuss with the nannies and                                         strate a commitment to their education and show their peers and teachers
           house workers to parents. We would also ask parents to share the key areas                                           that they value the classroom experience. This shared commitment promotes
           they want us to highlight in our meeting with the nannies. Please mark your                                          respect and cooperation, benefiting everyone involved.

           calendars and ensure you attend this important meeting.
                                                                                                                                In our primary setting, the early moments of  the school day are essential for
           Nanny Workshop: Thursday 26th September 2024                                                                         Phonics, Guided Reading and Spelling. In the Early Years, these times are
           At the Nanny workshop, we will take your domestic staff  through various                                             crucial to building their sense of  belonging and their communication and

           conversations around child care, safeguarding, personal care and how to com-                                         language skills. Missing out on these initial lessons can cause students to feel
           municate with the children in their care. In this session, we will provide trans-                                    disconnected from their whole-class collective progress, potentially impacting
           lations for the Hausa and English-speaking domestic staff. We will also speak                                        their comprehension and learning.
           in broken English so that everyone understands what we are communicating.

           Please ensure your domestic staff  benefit from this session by making them                                          One of  the most significant advantages of  arriving at school on time is the
           available to attend.                                                                                                 opportunity for teachers to conduct student check-ins during the morning
                                                                                                                                hours. These check-ins allow teachers to gauge student’s emotional and ac-
           Independence Day Celebration: Monday 30th September 2024                                                             ademic well-being. They can address any concerns, answer questions, and

           We will be celebrating the Nigerian Independence Day next week. The stu-                                             provide the necessary support to ensure every student is in the best possible
           dents will be required to come dressed for this day. We will communicate                                             position to learn. These moments of  individual attention set a positive tone
           more information about this event via the Class Dojo and the Whatsapp plat-                                          for the rest of  the day.
           form. Please do not panic. Parents would not be required to go overboard for

           their children that day.                                                                                             In conclusion, dear parents, consider avoiding the morning rush at school
                                                                                                                                drop-off  or squeezing in an extra 5 minutes of  sleep for the children. Remem-
           Back to School Drive                                                                                                 ber that getting to school on time goes beyond punctuality; it paves the way
           We want to say a special thank you to all the parents who took the time to do-                                       for a successful and fulfilling educational experience.

           nate old bags, shoes and water bottles to the school. We appreciate your kind
           donations. We will distribute these items to a few schools and outreach cen-                                         Punctuality is a valuable tool in shaping a child’s educational journey and
           tres around the Jahi district.                                                                                       also the dynamics of  the entire classroom community.

           Why arriving at school on time matters                                                                               Have an amazing week ahead.

           Arriving at school on time is more than just a matter of  punctuality. It is                                         Juliet Goje
           the foundation for a successful educational experience, impacting a child’s                                          Deputy Head of  School

           growth and the well-being of  the classroom community. Being on time helps

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