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A Message from

                                                       also support pupils with English as an ad-
 MRS. DYER                                             ditional language. As trained Read, Write

                                                       Inc. teachers, they lead daily Read, Write

 HEAD OF SCHOOL                                        Inc. phonics lessons, which ensures that
                                                       our phonics groups are small and bespoke
                                                       to the needs of  each group. At the other
                                                       end of  the scale, they also support chil-

                                                       dren in Year 6 with support for Cambridge
 Dear Parents,                                         Checkpoint or Secondary entrance exams.
                                                       Visits to the Learning Lab are very popular

 We hope you have all had a wonderful extended weekend.    with the children as they enjoy the bene-
                                                       fit of  working 1:1 or in small groups with
 This week, we would like to highlight the work of  our Intervention department   either Mr Maruf  or Ms Elizabeth. These

 as they provide an excellent addition to our class learning.   lessons are always fun, with hands-on ac-
                                                       tivities and games.
 Ms Elizabeth and Mr Maruf  work in our Learning Lab, a popular place for our
 children to go to work. They provide extra sessions in English and Maths to   Intervention support is often only needed for 1 or 2 terms before pupils have
 children who may need a boost in their learning.    caught up with their learning and are making excellent progress in class. If

 At the beginning of  every term, we hold   we feel your child will benefit from this, your child’s class teacher will discuss
 Pupil Progress meetings to discuss the   this with you, and we will send a letter confirming that your child has these
 progress of  every child in school and   sessions.
 agree on an approach that will ensure

 each pupil reaches their potential. At   If  you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please don’t hesitate to
 these meetings, we look at pupils who   contact your child’s teacher, who is there to help.
 may need extra intervention to help them
 make rapid progress. This intervention   Have a wonderful week, everyone.

 happens in class, sometimes in the form
 of  regular five or ten-minute practice   Best wishes
 sessions with the Teacher or teaching as-  Dominique Dyer.
 sistant. The class teacher may also work

 with the staff  in the Learning Lab, who
 can provide 20-30 min lessons one, two
 or even three times weekly. These are
 usually in English or Maths, such as ex-

 tra tuition in phonics, spelling, grammar, a particular Maths concept that they
 have struggled with, or to fill in any gaps they may have in their learning.

 New pupils may receive intervention, particularly if  they haven’t followed a
 Cambridge Curriculum at their previous school. Ms Elizabeth and Mr Maruf

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