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of fun. The times for the workshops are as follows:
• Maths Workshop for KS1 parents 1:15 - 2:15
A Message from • Maths Workshop for KS2 parents 2:30 - 3:30
You are of course welcome to attend both work-
MRS. DYER shops and we will be holding a further workshop
for the Early Years parents later in the term. We
HEAD OF SCHOOL look forward to welcoming you.
Maths at Abuja Prep
In today’s increasingly complex world, a solid foun-
dation in mathematics is crucial for success in all
areas of life. As parents, you want to ensure your challenges.
children receive the best opportunities to develop
their skills and reach their full potential. Recognizing The Thinking and Working Mathematically
the significance of mathematics in shaping their fu- strand within the Cambridge Primary frame-
ture, at Abuja Prep we want to provide parents with work is designed to equip children with
the opportunity to delve deeper into understanding essential mathematical skills and concepts,
the Cambridge Primary Mathematics approach, a while simultaneously fostering their ability to
crucial part of which is the area of Thinking and think critically, reason logically, and commu-
Working Mathematically. nicate effectively. This holistic approach not
only ensures children achieve proficiency in
the school staff have regular up to date training. So, what is Cambridge Primary Thinking and mathematics but also cultivates lifelong skills
We have a number of events coming up over the Working Mathematically all about? that extend beyond the classroom.
Dear Parents, next few weeks. Cambridge Primary is a comprehensive educational
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Tomorrow Thursday 25th January, we welcome framework that aims to nurture thinking and rea- At the heart of the Cambridge Primary
Parent orientation workshops last week, we the Year 3 parents to for the Year 3 assembly. soning skills in children aged 5 to 11. This approach Thinking and Working Mathematically ap-
hope you found it informative, remember Thursday 1st February: Maths Workshop for focuses on developing a deep understanding of proach lies the belief that mathematics is
we are always happy to answer any ques- parents (see more details below.) mathematical concepts and their practical applica- not merely a set of procedures, but a way of
tions you may have. As always we have had • Friday 9th February: Early Years Sports tions, rather than simply rote memorization and thinking. By fostering children’s curiosity, cre-
another busy week, our year 6 pupil spent Day formulaic problem-solving. By cultivating critical ativity, and perseverance, Cambridge Primary
the weekend at The Regent Secondary • Friday 16th February: Love and Care Day thinking and logical reasoning abilities, Cambridge aims to create an environment that promotes
School for a ‘Crazy weekend!’ The children • Saturday 17th February: Interhouse Sports Primary empowers children to become confident exploration and deep understanding of math-
had an amazing time, taking part in les- for KS1 and KS2 venue: The Regent problem solvers, capable of tackling real-world ematical concepts. This approach encourages
sons such as cooking, art, PE and making Secondary School. children to actively engage in problem-solv-
lots of new friends. As always they made ing, developing metacognition skills that
us proud and were complimented on their Parents Maths Workshop enable them to reflect upon and evaluate their
excellent behaviour and wonderful man- Next week on Thursday 1st February, we will be own thinking processes.
ners. Last week our new staff were joined holding our parent workshops on how we teach
by staff from Regent College and Regent Mathematics in our Primary School years, the Cambridge Primary encourages the use of
Primary School, to undertake their Level 2 workshops will be a practical look at how your manipulatives, such as counters, blocks, and
Safeguarding qualification. Safeguarding is a children learn Maths at Abuja Prep and how you measuring tools, to enable children to devel-
priority at Abuja Prep and as a Safeguarding can support them. The workshops will be run op a concrete understanding of mathematical
qualified trainer I ensure every member of by our Maths Coordinator Mr Innocent together concepts before moving on to abstract rep-
with members of SLT, and promises to be a lot resentations. This hands-on approach enables