Page 29 - News letter Week 6 term 3
P. 29


 My experience this half term has been amazing! I had   This half term was super awesome! I had the best

 so much fun going to different clubs after school. I also   time playing with my new friends. I love going to Regent
 learned how to count in tens, which was really cool.   School because we learn so many cool things like Art,

                                       French, math, science, and my absolute favorite, English!

 I played hide and seek with my friends, and we had the

 best time ever. Plus, I made a polar bear in art class   My teachers are the coolest! They’re always nice and
 and learned about how they’re going extinct. It was   they teach us really fun stuff.


 MYRA TUGUMIZEMU  interesting and a little sad, but I’m glad I got to learn about it.   The exit point was kinda scary but also really fun! I saw
 RECEPTION A     ECHIOMA OKEKE         some pretend pirates and even a big, scary-looking
                YEAR 1S
 This half term was the best, and I can’t wait for more   shark! But don’t worry, it wasn’t real. There was also a

 fun next term!                        sandy beach and a ship, it was like being in a movie!

                                       We played games with water and I even found my toy

                                       frogs swimming with the sea creatures! It was so cool!

                                       In math, I learned about number bonds and counting
 My experience this term was fantastic, I’ve had lots of
 fun.                                  backwards, and in English, I learned how to write letters!

 To begin with, I have had super spectacular friends that

 always payed with me and made me happy.  This half term was the best ever! Can’t wait for more
                                       fun next time!

 KENENNA OKONKWO   Additionaly, I had my first club, chess club. I was also

 YEAR 2A  in the competition and I won all my matches. Then the
 LINIZANI compettion came up nd my house got 3rd.

 Finally, I have had a wonderful term so far.

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