Page 48 - Blossoms 19 29012025
P. 48

let’s make music
                       let’s make music

                                              MUSIC C L UB

    The music club enthusiastically resumed its term two activities, with the children eagerly engag-
    ing in playing musical instruments.
    We had the drumming Session where the teacher demonstrated basic drumming techniques, in-
    cluding how to hold the drumsticks and strike the drums. The children took turns playing the

    drum set under the teacher’s guidance. They practiced striking the drums with drumsticks, fo-
    cusing on rhythm and timing. The children were given the opportunity to explore the drum set
    freely, experimenting with different rhythms and techniques. They showed great enthusiasm and
    interest in playing the drum set. Drumming sessions allowed the children to demonstrate im-

    proved fine motor skills and hand-eye help to begin recognizing and replicating
    simple rhythms and also help practice teamwork and sharing as they took turns using the drum
                                                              Another exciting element of the session was

                                                              the use of microphones. The children enjoyed
                                                              learning how to hold the microphone properly
                                                              and experimented with speaking and singing
                                                              into it. This helped build their confidence in

                                                              expressing themselves and introduced them to
                                                              the basics of sound amplification.
                                                              They also dedicated time to learning solfa
                                                              notes of commonly sung nursery rhymes.

                                                              Adults supported this process by helping the

    children recognize, compare, and distinguish between distinct sounds. The children also played
    the xylophone. Playing the xylophone involved striking the keys with mallets, which helped the
    children develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This activity also enhanced their

    ability to recognize patterns, follow sequences, and understand cause and effect, contributing to
    their cognitive development.

    These musical experiences not only boosted
    the children’s self-confidence but also gave

    them a sense of accomplishment. Additionally,
    engaging in music stimulates various areas of
    the brain, improving cognitive skills such as

    memory, problem-solving, and spatial-temporal

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