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Participation in competitive sports from an early age helps children build confi-

             dence and develop skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Whether it’s
 A Message from   working collaboratively with teammates, handling the highs and lows of winning

             and losing, or setting and achieving personal goals, the benefits extend far beyond
 MRS. DYER   the playing field.

 HEAD OF SCHOOL  Our sports program fosters not only physical fitness but also mental well-being.
             Engaging in physical activity has been shown to improve focus, boost mood,
             and enhance academic performance. Moreover, the spirit of healthy competition

             allows students to celebrate their abilities while learning to respect the efforts of
             others. It’s about striving to do one’s best while embodying the principles of fair-
 ear Parents,  ness and good sportsmanship.
 We have had another busy week at Abuja Prep, the children had a wonderful
 Dtime at the Teddy Bears Picnic last week, I hope you enjoy the photographs.

 The children are busy working hard both in class and rehearsing for our upcoming
 productions. We are also beginning to prepare for our sports days. Still to come this

 •  Key Stage 1 Production (6th February) – The Lion King
 •  Early Years Sports Day (7th February)
 •  Love and Care Day (14th February)
 •  Primary Sports Day – to be held at the Regent Secondary School (15th February)
 •  World Book Day (March 6th)

 •  Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) – Rest of the World Rocks Competition (Tuesday
 11th -13th March)

             In line with these values, we are excited to announce our upcoming Early Years
 The Importance of  Competitive Sports in Primary School   Sports Day on Friday, 7th February, and our Primary Sports Day on Saturday, 15th
 At Abuja Prep, we believe in nurturing the whole child, and competitive sports play a   February. These events promise to be wonderful celebrations of skill, effort, and
 vital role in this holistic development. From building physical fitness to instilling val-  house spirit.

 ues like teamwork, resilience, and leadership, sports offer invaluable opportunities for
 children to grow, both as individuals and as members of a community.   For our youngest learners in Early Years, the emphasis is on taking part and having

             fun. We want every child to feel included and enjoy the experience, which is why
             we don’t award medals for positions at this stage. Instead, the focus is on participa-

             tion, encouragement, and building a love for physical activity. As children progress
             into Primary, they are introduced to competitive elements, including medals for
             positions, to foster their understanding of achievement, effort, and sportsmanship.

             Our school’s house system—Hawks, Ravens, Eagles, and Falcons—adds an extra

             layer of excitement and camaraderie to these occasions. The house teams provide
             students with a sense of belonging and collective identity, encouraging them to
             cheer one another on and work together to achieve success.

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