Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 4
P. 5
From the From The Principal’s Desk
Editorial Desk
continue to highlight what makes
Valentine Thomas | Editor Your generosity and commitment
Regent Secondary so unique.
he first time I heard the phrase ‘Drop down day’ was as a new
member of staff of The Regent Secondary School. I could not
Thelp but wonder about the meaning of this phrase while I was
Our Year 11 students recently visited Regent
a bit reluctant to ask someone. “Will the students practice flopping
College for Drop Down Day, which gave them
themselves onto the ground, perhaps during P.E?” “Well, we will see valuable insight into life after secondary
It is yet when the time comes,” I answered. Philip Reynolds school. It’s exciting to see them thinking ahead
with such enthusiasm.
another Eventually, I did not have to ask anyone for the meaning because the Dear Parents and Students, Looking ahead, we’re all eagerly anticipating
program did happen and I got to know that it was all about the Year
11 students not having lessons on the Drop Down Day. Rather, they
week; go through a sort of career guidance program that enables them to ’m incredibly proud of what we’ve Independence Day on Monday, September
30th. Parents are invited to join us from 12:20
have a peek into what life would be for them right after secondary
achieved as a community over the past
do not school. It has happened again this year. You will be able to find out Ifew weeks. Your generosity and com- PM, with the Fashion Show starting at 1:40 PM.
We look forward to seeing everyone embrace
more about this year’s Drop-Down Day on page 20.
mitment continue to highlight what makes
this event with pride and joy.
stop When you talk about giving, I may not be far from the truth if I say Regent Secondary so unique. Lastly, remember that Friends of Regent Sec-
that it is synonymous with The Regent School. Recently, the school
reading. reached out to the flood victims in Borno State to let them know that Thank you to everyone who contributed to ondary invites all parents to the annual Meet
the Maiduguri Flood Victims Appeal. The
and Greet at 3:30 PM—a fantastic opportunity
somebody somewhere thinks about them. Also, the children at the
FCT School for the Blind were kitted. How? By whom? When? These support from students, staff, and parents to connect and get involved.
has made it highly worthwhile. Please take
questions will be answered when you open to page 8 onwards.
a moment to read the article on how our At Regent Secondary, our values of Respect,
community came together for this cause. Responsibility, and Resourcefulness guide ev-
If you wear braces or you have a child who wears braces, then you
erything we do. Thank you for your continued
really need to read the Medical Corner for this week. You would be
I’m also delighted by the fantastic work support as we grow as a school and commu-
enlightened about how to maintain oral hygiene with your braces on.
being done by Regent Cares and Friends nity.
of Regent Secondary through their Kit the
It is yet another week; do not stop reading.
Kids Project in support of the FCT School Best wishes,
for the Blind. It’s a beautiful example of our
school’s commitment to inclusivity, and I Philip Reynolds
encourage you to read the article on this Principal, Regent Secondary School
important initiative.