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Workers of the Week
                                                                                                                                   Workers of the Week

        A Message from

        MRS. DYER

                                                                                                                                        YEAR 1  YEAR 1                                   YEAR 1  YEAR 1

                                                               Our end-of-year exams and teacher assessments                                     ABDULLAHI TILDE.                                ELEANORA AKWIWU
                                                               show that the children have made outstanding

                                                               progress in every year group and subject. Well
                                                               done to all of our children, and thank you, par-
      Dear Parents,                                            ents, for your support.
                                                               You will have received your child’s reports this
      We cannot believe we are already at the end of           week and been invited to a parent-teacher con-
      term, full of many activities, from Sports Days          ference. This is an important time to find out
      to Times Table Rock star competitions, class             how your child is doing and what you can do to                                YEAR 2  YEAR 2

      assemblies, and exams. We are so proud of all            further support them.
      the children’s achievements and grateful to my
      exceptional and committed staff.                         We wish everyone a wonderful holiday. To our

                                                               families, we wish you a Happy Eid and Easter
      It was lovely to see so many of you at our Ear-          celebration with your loved ones.
      ly Years Presentation, ‘Colours, Rhymes and
      Big Dreams’ It was an excellent presentation,            Safe travels, and we look forward to welcoming
      and it was amazing to see the confidence of              everyone back on Monday, 15th April, for Term

      even our tiniest children. We thank the Early            3 2024.
      Years team, who carried out their roles with
      love, joy and commitment to give every child             Kind Regards

      a wonderful learning experience here at Abuja                                                                                                           DOREEN ANIEFIOK, AMIR ABDULLAHI,
      Prep.                                                    Dominique Dyer.                                                                               AHMAD ALIYU ABOKI, KIMBERLY NEBO.

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