Page 16 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 22
P. 16

Whats on

                                  Medical Corner

       Stress Less,
       S     t  r   ess Less,

                     e M
       Live More
       Li       v                    or       e

       Your Guide To A Healthier,
       Happier Life!

             tress is a natural response to chal-
             lenging  situations,  but chron-
                                                                    Understanding Stress
       Sic stress can negatively impact
       physical and mental health. Managing

       stress effectively is essential for overall                Stress triggers the body’s “fight or flight”
       well-being.                                                response, releasing hormones like cor-
                                                                  tisol and adrenaline. While short-term
                                                                  stress can boost focus and performance,

                                 As of August 2024,               prolonged stress can lead to anxiety,
                                                                  high blood pressure, weakened immuni-
                           31% of adults surveyed                 ty, and other health problems.

                                 worldwide thought

                           stress was the biggest

                           health problem in their

                          country. Approximately

                                  284 million people

                                             worldwide                                 By Nurse Ifedola Opesan

                                                                                           (School Clinic Nurse)

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