Page 30 - News letter Week 6 term 3
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THE REGENT THIS WEEK                                                                                                                        HALF TERM HIGHLIGHTS
                THE REGENT TH
                                                                         IS WEEK

                                          OMG, this half term was totally wild! It had its                                                                           My Term 3 experience has been great!

                                          ups and downs, but man, was it a ride! Day 1 was                                                                           We have had so many fun memories like a field trip, sci-
                                          like a reunion with my squad  seeing their faces                                                                           ence lab experiments etc.

                                          after what felt like forever was legit the best                                                                            As a student councillor, I have gone on three field trips
                                          feeling ever. And even the teachers were vibing                                                                            with other student councillors and helped donate to pub-

                                          with the good energy!                                                                                                      licschools and orphanages.

                                                                                                                                                                     I’ve had lots of fun with my friends during break time like
                                          We had some homework, but it wasn’t too bad                                                                                Nathan, when we go for our meetings; Bashir when we

                                          ‘cause we were diving into cool stuff like the
         ANGEL OTIYELIORA                                                                                                                                            playfootball and Adaeze, when just have fun talking to
                 YEAR 5R                  Mayans. Did you know they basically gave us                                                                                eachother. Sometimes in class, teachers and students
                                          chocolate and the calendar? Mind blown, right?                                                  ETHAN OSAREGBAJE           laugh with each other because something funny happens.

                                          And making artifacts was low-key lit.                                                           RECEPTION 4A               In conclusion, I’ve had a fun time in Term 3 so far and I
                                                                                                                                                                     can’t wait to have more fun in the months to come.

                                          Our theme about water for life was surprisingly

                                          interesting. Props to the teachers for keeping it
                                          fresh and making us think outside the box.

                                                                                                                                                                    Term 3 has been an absolute whirlwind!
                                          And let’s talk about those competitions                                                                                   From captivating Horizone lectures to

                                          Mater Cheff had us all on the edge of our seats!                                                                          adrenaline-pumping math competitions, and even dabbling

                                          Our crew even made it to the finals, how sick is                                                                          in the culinary arts with Master Chef, it’s been non-stop
                                          that? And the poetry competition? It was fire!                                                                            action.

                                          Overall, these past 6 weeks were straight-up                                                                              The highlight? Definitely winning first place in the poetry

                                          awesome. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for                                                                            competition with my group! And let’s not forget LINIZANI

                                          the next half term – hoping it’s just as epic!”                                                                           - our house absolutely made an impression with our ren-

                                                                                                                                                                    dition of this year’s theme.

                                                                                                                                ELIORA  ONWUEGBUZIE
                                                                                                                                          YEAR 6R                   With half term just around the corner, I’m

                                                                                                                                                                    already buzzing with excitement for what’s to come.

                                                                                                                                                                    Bring it on, Term 3, I’m ready for more unforgettable

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