Page 30 - End of term edition_Neat
P. 30
Home Remedies
and Care
There are numerous home remedies
CORNER and self-care measures that can help
alleviate the symptoms:
• Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids,
such as water or warm teas with honey.
• Gargling: Saltwater gargles (warm
SOOTHING A sore throat is a common ailment that • Rest and Humidify
water mixed with salt)
many of us have experienced at some
Sore A • Lozenges or Sprays: Over-the-counter
point in our lives. It’s characterised by
lozenges or throat sprays like menthol
pain, irritation, or scratchiness in the throat, often
or honey can provide temporary relief.
making swallowing difficult or uncomfortable.
Throat • Avoid Irritants: Steer clear of smoking,
While it can be caused by various factors, such
second hand smoke, and other irritants
as viral or bacterial infections, allergies, dry air,
that can exacerbate throat discomfort. A sore throat can be an inconvenience,
or even environmental irritants.
but with proper self-care and home
• Warm Beverages: Sipping on warm remedies, most cases can be effectively
liquids like herbal teas or warm water managed at home.
• Pain or scratchiness in the throat with lemon and honey can help soothe
• Difficulty swallowing/swollen glands in the the throat However, if symptoms persist or worsen,
neck or jaw consulting a healthcare professional is
• Hoarseness or a change in voice with mild of a Sore
advisable to rule out any underlying in-
Throat fections or complications.
cough Seek medical
• Runny nose or congestion in some cases
attention if:
Remember, simple steps like staying hy-
• The sore throat persists for more than drated, resting, and avoiding irritants can
a week. go a long way in soothing a sore throat
• Viral Infections • You experience difficulty breathing or
Causes • Bacterial Infections swallowing. and promoting a speedier recovery.
of a Sore • Environmental Factors: Dry air, allergies, smoking, • There’s a high fever or swollen glands.
or exposure to irritants like pollutants. • The sore throat is accompanied by a
Throat rash or joint pain.