Page 37 - Newsletter Week 4 term 2
P. 37



                                                   OF THE
                                                   OF THE


    Name of the Student: Veronica Oyiba Mark                                               Class:4R

    Title: Dragon!

    Author:  Hilary McKay

    Genre: Action/Comedy/Adventure

    Describe your favourite or least favourite character in the book:
    D  e s c r i b e y o ur f a v o ur i t e o r l e a s t f a v o ur i t e c har ac t e r in t h e b o o k :

    My Favourite character is Mas, he is silly and Mischievous. My Least Favourite Characters were

    the children at the school, they were rude!

    A Concise summary:

    Max lived in witches’ towers with his Aunt Emma. Aunt Emma was a Witch! Max got into a new

    school, in the new school people didn’t believe in witches except max new friend Timmy who

    believed him. Max found a dragon’s egg, Timmy tried to tell Max how dangerous the egg was.

    The Egg cracked into a dragon and Max and Timmy had to put the dragon in Aunt Emma’s bed

    because she went to the end of the world where children were not allowed. She came back and she

    trained the Dragon properly. Max and Timmy lived together at the end.

    Would you recommend this book to anyone? If yes, why?

    I would recommend this book to my brother; He loves action and comedy.

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