Page 4 - Newsletter Week 4 term 2
P. 4

From the



                                                                                            Shaun Stockden
                                                                                                                                        the opportunity to receive a quality education. One of the key objec-

                                                                                                                                        tives of World Education Day is to promote accessible
               Dear Parents,                                                                                                            education for all.

                       elebrating  World  Education  Day:  Empowering  Minds,  Trans-                                                   This includes ensuring that children from marginalised communi-

               Cforming Lives Education is the key to unlocking the potential of                                                        ties, including those living in rural areas or conflict zones, have equal

               individuals and societies. It is a fundamental human right that should                                                   access to education. It also involves removing barriers that prevent

               be accessible to all, regardless of their background or circumstances.                                                   girls from attending school, as gender equality in education is

               Recognising the importance of education, the United Nations has des-                                                     essential  for  social  and  economic  development.  WorldEducation

               ignated January 24th as World Education Day.                                                                             Day emphasises the importance of quality education in achieving

                                                                                                                                        sustainable development. Quality education goes beyond basic

               This global initiative aims to promote accessible and quality                                                            literacy and numeracy skills.

               education for all, empowering minds and transforming lives. World

               Education Day serves as a reminder of the crucial role education plays

               in shaping the future of individuals and communities.

               It highlights the need to address the barriers that hinder access to ed-

               ucation, such as poverty, gender inequality, and lack of

               infrastructure. By focusing on these issues, World Education Day aims

               to create awareness and mobilise efforts to ensure that every child has

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