Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 3
P. 5
From the From The Principal’s Desk
Editorial Desk
As we move forward, let’s
continue to embody the
here was once a puzzle on a radio program that I
listened to some time ago. The question was: if there Regent spirit of respect,
Tis a fire in a room and your spouse and your moth-
responsibility and
er are trapped inside, and you have the chance to rescue
only one of them, who would you choose? I am still rumi- resourcefulness
nating on the best answer till this day.
Sincerely speaking, the puzzle popped into my head again Philip Reynolds
last week during another practical staff fire training. The Principal
We are approaching the end of the first
focus right now is not about the brain-boggling, loyal-
quarter, and our boarders will soon take their
ty-testing puzzle, but on the fact that the school places so well-deserved exit weekend. I hope all stu-
much emphasis on student and staff safety that we have Of course, every Dear Parents and Students,
member of The dents use this time to rest, recharge, and
fire training every year. Of course, every member of the Re- prepare for the exciting challenges in their
Regent Secondary academic journey for the rest of this half
gent Secondary School staff is a mini firefighter already. s we settle into the third week of the
School staff is a term, I am proud to reflect on the term.
Last Friday was another day of excitement for both staff Acommunity spirit we’ve seen at Re-
and students as they had another opportunity to compete mini firefighter gent Secondary School. Last Friday’s Mufti As we move forward, let’s continue to em-
against each other on the football field. You can guess who already. Day fundraiser for the COBIS Games was a body the Regent spirit of respect, responsi-
should have won, but you will only know if you are right resounding success! Thank you to every-
bility and resourcefulness in everything we
when you turn to page 10. one who participated and donated. Your
do, supporting one another and celebrating
contributions help ensure that our students
our achievements as a community.
The Mathematics Faculty has chosen this week to tease have the opportunity to showcase their tal-
your brain. You will definitely enjoy their work on page 15. ents on the international stage.
Have a fantastic week ahead!
Do not forget that even your brain needs exercise too.
Speaking of exercise and the brain, you will learn more I’d also like to encourage everyone to con-
about the benefits of exercise for your brain when you read tinue supporting the ongoing appeal for
the Medical Corner. Maiduguri. This cause is significant; your
generosity can make a real difference to
Kind regards,
It is another rewarding edition of The Regent Digest, but those in need. Let’s commit to this worthy
you would not know until you flip from the first page to the cause as we progress through the term. Philip Reynolds
last. You are welcome to read. Principal, Regent Secondary School
Valentine Thomas | Editor