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Love and Care Day – The Oakbridge

 Foundation.                                                 Additionally, learning to play chess has a
 A Message from   You can join us in Supporting the Oakbridge   profound impact on other subjects. Chess
 Foundation in several ways.                                 requires players to think analytically and make
 MRS. DYER  1.  Sponsor a child at N25,000/term or           logical decisions. As such, it enhances
                                                             mathematical skills, as players must constantly
 N75,000 for the whole school year.
 HEAD OF SCHOOL  2.  Be part of their ‘A Meal A Day Angels.’  calculate possible moves and assess the value of
 3.  Join @oakcliques to help pay teachers’                  each piece. Furthermore, chess improves
 salaries.                                                   concentration and memory, helping individuals

 4.  Donate laptops, digital cameras, sports                 retain information more effectively. This increase
 equipment or even a school bus.                             in concentration is particularly beneficial for
 5.  You may also make a one-off donation                    students, as it can significantly improve their
 through the school and we will pass it on.                  academic performance.

 If you want to sponsor a child, you may do so               Participating in chess tournaments can provide
 through their website-                                      numerous benefits as well. Tournaments help                  players enhance their competitive spirit and

 Or contact them directly at:                                develop resilience. The pressure of facing
 +234 (0)708 008 4680                                        opponents from different backgrounds and skill
 Email -                       levels teaches players to stay calm and handle
 We also solicit donations of raw food, clothes

 books and toys (washed and in good condition.)

 Dear Parents,
 We have another busy week.
 Tomorrow, 15th February, we are holding   VIDEO  The Benefits of  Playing Chess.
 our Early Years Maths workshop. We look   HERE  Chess is a timeless game played for centuries
 forward to welcoming you by 12:30.    across the globe. It combines logic, strategy, and
 On Friday, 16th February,  we have our   critical thinking, making it an ideal activity for

 Love and Care Day. Please send your   individuals of all ages. Learning to play chess
 children to school in Pyjamas with a   from an early age not only provides mental
 donation for our chosen charity   stimulation but also cultivates valuable life skills.
 ‘The Oakbridge Foundation.’ Please see   Abuja Schools Association Chess

 further information on how you can   Tournament   One of the most significant benefits of learning
 support this.  We were proud to have Abuja Prep represented   to play chess is the development of critical
     at the Abuja Schools Association’s   thinking skills. Chess requires players to think
 On Saturday, 17th February, we have our   first-ever Chess Tournament; our first   several moves ahead and anticipate their

 Inter House Sports Day, one of Abuja   inter-school competition. They made us very   opponent’s moves. This ability to strategize and
 Prep’s significant events and an   proud as they played with skill and exemplary   plan has a direct application to real-life situations.
 opportunity for the children to earn points   sportsmanship. Our representatives were   Whether making decisions in the workplace or
 for their houses. Every child from Year 1 –   Daniel Ishola, Mohammed Arzika, Cephas   solving complex problems, the critical thinking

 Year 6 will participate in the event.    Okoye, and Oghenerunor Aroriode, ably   skills honed through chess play a crucial role in
 supported by Imran Ajayi.   achieving success.

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