P. 4

A Message From The


        Mr Joe Daly

        Headmaster                                          I repeat my thanks to you for

                                                            your trust in us. We are most
          thought I heard birdsong.
      IFor endless months I heard nothing but  certainly delivering on that

      the noise of workmen, power tools and gen-
      erators throughout our extraordinary prem-

      However, this has been exchanged for the                  I repeat my thanks to you for your trust in us.
      sweet sound of your children singing, play-               We are most certainly delivering on that trust.

      ing, learning and generally loving life. This             Thank you for bringing  your wonderful chil-
      has had a direct impact on my own outlook                 dren to our school. Our lives are brighter for
      on life this week. As I told my fabulous teach-           having them with us.
      ers: you get stressed by work you do not love,
      but if you love it it is passion. We have been            Have a fabulous and well-earned weekend!
      displaying plenty of passion this week.

                                              ABUJA WORLD ACADEMY                                                 4 4
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