Page 17 - Newsletter Week 5 Term 2
P. 17

orld Of Cr
 Enter A W
 Enter A World Of Creativity And
 y And
 Fine Mo t or Ski lls
 Fine Motor Skills

  Thr ou gh hands-on explor a tion and c ollabor a tiv e pla y, chi ldr en
  Through hands-on exploration and collaborative play, children

 learn the principles of design, problem-solving, and teamwork.
 learn the principles of design, pr oblem-solving, and team w ork.

 Join u s in this w orld of inno v a tion wher e ev ery thing bui lt is a
 Join us in this world of innovation where everything built is a
 testament to creativity and ingenuity supported by our staff
 tes tament t o cr ea tivit y and ingenuit y suppor ted b y our s ta f f

 and gu es t speaker.
 and guest speaker.

 THE REGENT SCHOOL  16 16                   THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                     17
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