Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 35
P. 5

From The Principal’s Desk             From The Principal’s Desk

    •  Think about your future career aspirations:                By considering these factors and seeking
        Another important factor to consider  when                guidance, you can make informed deci-
 Choosing the right IGCSE   selecting IGCSE or GCSE subjects is your fu-  sions  about  your  IGCSE  or  GCSE  subject

                                                                  choices, and set yourself on a path towards
        ture career aspirations. Research the entry re-
 subjects is a crucial   quirements for your desired university course   academic and career success. Remember
 decision that can have a   or career and choose subjects that align with   that choosing the right subjects is just the
        those requirements. For example, if you want
                                                                  first step; you also need to work hard and
 significant impact on a   to become a doctor, you should choose sub-  stay motivated to achieve your goals.
        jects such as biology and chemistry.
 student’s academic and

 career prospects.  •  Assess your academic strengths:  It’s also

        essential to assess your academic strengths
        when  selecting  IGCSE  or  GCSE  subjects.
        Choose  subjects  that  you  are  good  at,  and
        that play to your strengths. However, it’s also
        essential  to  choose  subjects  that  challenge
 Choosing the right IGCSE subjects is a crucial
        you and help you develop new skills.
 Robert Franklin  decision that can have a significant impact
 Principal  on a student’s academic and career pros-
    •  Consult with your teachers and parents:
 pects. It is very important that pupils make
        Seek advice from your teachers and parents
 their  subject  choices  for  the  right  reasons
 Dear Parents,  and not because, for example, their friends   when choosing your IGCSE or GCSE subjects.

 are doing a subject or because they are ful-  They can provide valuable insights and guid-
        ance based on your academic performance
 filling their parents’ aspirations.
 he half term is flying by as we come
        and interests. Your teachers can also advise
 to the end of the  penultimate week.   you on the most suitable subjects for your fu-
 Here are some tips on making the right choice
 TThis is the time of the year when pu-  ture academic and career goals.
 for you to consider:
 pils in Year 9 have to cast an eye forward

 and make choices about the IGCSE subjects   •  Consider your interests: One of the most   •  Keep your options open: It’s important to
 they will study next year. This Friday we had   important factors to consider when choos-  choose  a  combination  of  subjects  that  of-
 our Year 9 Options Meeting in which repre-  ing  IGCSE  or  GCSE  subjects  is  your  inter-  fer a balance of breadth and depth. Keeping
 sentatives from each Faculty were available   ests. Think about what subjects you enjoy   your  options  open  will  give  you  more  flexi-

 to answer questions from Year 9 pupils and   studying  and  find  interesting.  Choosing   bility in the future if you decide to pursue a
 their parents.  subjects  that  you  are  passionate  about   different career path or university course. It’s
 will  make  studying  more  enjoyable  and   also important to note that some universities
 motivate you to work hard to achieve your   or career paths may require specific subject
 goals.  combinations or grades, so it’s essential to
        research and plan ahead.

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