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line platform that combines education and entertainment to enhance mathematical fluency.

                                                                                                                            At Abuja Prep, we utilise this innovative program that has transformed how children learn
        A Message from                                                                                                      timetables, making math fun and igniting a passion for numbers.

        MRS. DYER


                                                               Here are the events that will take us to the end
                                                               of the term:

                                                               •  December 12th to 14th: Times Table Rock
                                                                   Stars, The Rest of the World Rocks com-
                                                                   petition: Please encourage your children to

                                                                   spend a few minutes practising on the TTRS
                                                                   platform each day.
                                                               •  Thursday March 14th: Control Tests for                    The Birth of  Times Table Rock Stars:
                                                                   KS2 begin.                                               Times Table Rock Stars, launched in 2010, was created by a passionate team of educators,

                                                               •  Thursday March 21st: Early Years Showcase.                technologists, and mathematicians who recognised the need for a fresh approach to teach-
                                                                   Monday March 25th – Reports out.                         ing multiplication tables. This groundbreaking program swiftly gained popularity and has
                                                               •  Tuesday 26th/ Wednesday 27th – Parent                     since been embraced by thousands of schools worldwide.

      Dear Parents,                                                Teacher conferences.
                                                               •  Thursday, March 28th: School Closes.                      The Power of  Gamification:
      What exciting Blossoms we have this week,                                                                             At the heart of Times Table, Rock Stars lies the power of gamification. By transforming

      from the innovative characters the children              All Abuja Prep Community members will have                   the traditional drill and practice method into an exciting online game, children are motivat-
      created for World Book Day to celebrate                  heard how successful we were in last year’s ‘Rest            ed to engage with their timetables like never before. The platform’s vibrant and immersive
      with our coffee morning for International                of the World Rocks’ Competition. We finished                 interface and competitive edge make learning an exhilarating experience.

      Women’s Day and Mother’s Day.                            1st in the world and had three classes in the top
                                                               10. This is a great platform to help our children            How Do Times Table Rock Stars Work?
      We are fast approaching the end of term.                 learn their tables. We pair this with our Club 99            The concept is simple yet incredibly effective. Students create their avatars and journey
      The Key Stage two children are in the middle             program to develop Math Fluency.                             to become “Rock Stars.” By answering times table questions correctly and quickly, they
      of the ‘Rest of The World Rocks’ Times Ta-                                                                            earn virtual currency (rock dollars) to customise their avatars and improve their rank. This

      ble Rock Stars competition. We are all excited           So what is Times Table Rock Stars all                        unique reward system instils a sense of achievement and encourages students to challenge
      to see the final results, which should be out            about?                                                       themselves.
      on Friday. They also begin their Control tests           Times Table Rock Stars: Revolutionizing Learn-

      tomorrow and have all been working hard to               ing and Championing Mathematical Fluency                     The Rest of  the World Rocks Competition:
      prepare for them.                                                                                                     The “Rest of the World Rocks Competition” is an annual international event that brings
                                                               In today’s rapidly evolving world, equipping our             schools from across the globe together to showcase their mathematical prowess. Students
      The Early Years children are also busy; they             children with the necessary skills to succeed is             compete against their peers to achieve the highest scores and bring glory to their schools.
      are holding a Maths Day this week as part of             essential. One of the foundational skills that               This exciting competition promotes healthy competition and fosters cultural exchange and

      International Maths Day and rehearsing for a             holds the key to future success is mathematics.              global collaboration, enhancing students’ understanding of mathematical approaches.
      showcase for parents.                                    Times Table Rock Stars is a game-changing on-

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