Page 16 - Newsletter Week 7 Term 2
P. 16

                                                                                                                                                                                                         er Primary
                                                                                                                                                                                               Lower Primary
                                                                                                                                                  EXIT POINT
    THE                                                     D

    REGENT                                                 Introducing
                                                           Ms Rebekkah  Lewis


                                                              Ms Rebekkah Lewis has

    WEEK                                                      worked for many years in both
                                                              her native country of New

                                                              Zealand and in the U.K.

                                                              In New Zealand, she has worked

                                                              at Aro Arataki Children Centre
                                                              and Te Puna Kohunga-hunga.

                                                              While at UK, she has worked at

                                                              St. Mary’s and St. John’s Primary
                                                              School, Parkfield Primary School

                                                              and also a number of years of
                                                              supply teaching in the UK.

                                                              She will be working as a
                                                              volunteer in our Early Years

                                                              Department  over the  next  half
                                                              term. Please extend the warm

                                                              Regent  welcome to  her  when

                                                              you see her.

             Ms. Rebekkah Lewis

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