Page 17 - 2024 Bonfire Special Edition Digest
P. 17


                    ith the funds raised during the            One  of  the  key  recipients  of  the  dona-
                    DOFE  Bonfire  Night,  the  charity        tions were the support staff of all Regent
        Winitiative took full shape as food                    Schools. This gesture was not just an act of
        items  were  purchased  and  prepared  for             charity but also a meaningful way to show
        distribution.  Although  the  students  were           appreciation  to  the  hardworking  individ-
        not  involved  in  buying  the  items,  they           uals  who  contribute  so  much  behind  the
        played  a  crucial  role  in  ensuring  the  do-       scenes. Their smiles and gratitude were a

        nations reached their intended recipients.             testament to the success of the initiative.

        On  the  day  of  distribution,  the  Duke  of         This project highlighted the power of com-
        Edinburgh students came together to                    munity and the impact of working togeth-
        load the food items onto the school bus.               er for a common goal. The students’ active
        It was a team effort, reflecting their ded-            participation  in  delivering  the  donations
        ication  to  making  a  positive  impact.  The         brought  the  values  of  the  Duke  of  Edin-
        students  visited  several  locations  to  dis-        burgh  programme  to  life—compassion,
        tribute the items, ensuring that the good-             teamwork,  and  service.  It  was  a  fulfilling

        will from the event extended far and wide.             conclusion to a remarkable journey, prov-
                                                               ing that the spirit of giving truly knows no

                                      FOOD ITEMS BOUGHT

                            50 Bags Of Rice

 Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand Naira.  125 Cartons Of Indomie

                            4.5 Bags Of Beans

                        TOTAL SPEND -                     N 6,190,000

                      In Words -  Six Million One Hundred and Ninety Thousand Naira.

                                            THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL                                           17
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