Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 20
P. 4

From The Principal’s Desk                                                                                                From The Principal’s Desk

                                                                                                                                     No doubt, the best way to learn how to cope,           To end this week, I would like to remind you
                                                                     No doubt, the best way                                          thrive and develop independence is in a                that on Saturday 3rd February we have the
                                                                      to learn how to cope,                                          supportive environment like the boarding               Fun Fair. The Fun Fair will run from 9am in

                                                                        thrive and develop                                           house.  It prepares children to learn how to           the morning until 5pm in the evening. It will
                                                                                                                                     live more comfortably with people of differ-
                                                                                                                                                                                            be followed by a concert from 7pm onward.
                                                                       independence is in a                                          ent backgrounds as  they proceed to col-               There will be lots of games and activities
                                                                   supportive environment                                            leges and universities around the world.               taking place throughout the whole day. Food

                                                                   like the boarding house.                                                                                                 and refreshments will be available from the
                                                                                                                                     The  need  for  students  to  have  a  defined         many vending stalls which will  be located
                                                                                                                                     structure, discipline, character, awareness,           on the field and throughout the school. The
                                                              Boarding at The Regent School provides stu-                            prioritisation, commitment, focus and re-              FoRSS have been working hard to ensure
                                                              dents with a vast number of activities, pro-                           sponsibility cannot be overstated. Board-              that this year’s Fun Fair is a huge success.
                                                              grammes and challenges in a structured com-                            ing makes it a lot easier for students to stay         Please reserve this day in your calendar as
                                                              munity where learning, personal growth and                             laser-focused as it  takes them away  from             it promises to be an event that you cannot
                                                              exploration are top priorities. It provides an an-                     unnecessary distractions such as mobile                afford to miss.

                       Robert Franklin                        tidote for students to learn how to be indepen-                        phones, games (PS4 & PS5), social me-
                           Principal                          dent and they are challenged to develop their                          dia, uncensored television shows or pro-

                                                              interpersonal skills which create a transforma-                        grammes, unrestricted access to the inter-
                                                              tive experience in learning to communicate                             net and much more.                                        Please reserve this day
       Dear Parents,                                          with others.                                                                                                                      in your calendar as it

                                                                                                                                     Boarding also gives students the opportu-
                                                              The Regent Secondary School boarding also                              nity to benefit from an all-round education              promises to be an event
              he  term is progressing  well  and
                                                              creates a community atmosphere within the                              during term time as they engage in boarding               that you cannot afford
              there is a busy and purposeful
                                                              school dynamic that provides a sense of com-                           activities like Debates, Public Speaking, Din-
     T atmosphere in the school.                                                                                                                                                                              to miss.
                                                              munity and an educational experience that is                           ing Etiquette, various Sports, Singing Com-
                                                              key to personal growth and development. More                           petitions, Dance Competitions, Quizzes, Arts
      Last weekend, children from the Regent
                                                              importantly, it provides a seamless transition                         & Crafts, Friday and Sunday Religious Activ-
      Primary School and the Abuja Prep School
                                                              as  a  precursor  to  life  after  school,  preparing                  ities, Academic Support and Theme Nights
      enjoyed staying in the boarding facility to
                                                              children for the future.                                               where they give presentations on different
      experience what life is like as a boarder at
                                                                                                                                     continents, countries and cultures. Given all
      the Secondary School. The Crazy Weekend
                                                                                                                                     this boarding is certainly something to be
      was a lot of fun and enjoyment not only for
      the Primary Children but for our boarding
      students also.

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