Page 25 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 31
P. 25
Are the words of academic
experts losing their value? DILEMMA We live in a world so dry and oh so hot
An Article Written Under Examination Condition By Where water’s so scarce and nearly forgot
Tobechukwu Oreh | Year 11 Congo
A thirsty world, what a shame
t has become clear to me and many oth- There’s certainly some truth to their words. Where finding water turns into a game
ers that time has slowly begun to weather Although a separate text opened my eyes to an-
I away people’s faith in experts. Through ad- other possibility, the trust placed in experts de- Oh how we wish for a drop of rain
vancements in technology, such people no lon- pends on how they treat those who come for ad-
To wash away this never ending pain
ger need to be consulted, as their input has been vice. To learn properly, people must feel like their
We wish for rivers and oceans so grand
replaced by far more convenient options. Have teacher is someone approachable. The techni-
But all we see is a dry, dusty land
they lost their place in modern day society and cal manner in which experts speak may ward off
how can they attempt to rectify this? That’s what those who try to listen. Experts may come across
Our throats are dry, we’re feeling weak
I hope to touch on in this article. as self important or arrogant as they show off
their expertise - unknowingly chasing away pro- ‘Please, oh please, give us water to drink!’
This shift in the people’s faith is clear and a reason spective students. The very same experts will The sun beats down, the ground is cracked
that has been constantly provided to me - via scold the public for not heeding their warnings. Despite Water We are all just wishing to get hydrated
covering about 71% of
my research on the matter - is the emergence Appearing accessible is most important for giv-
of new technologies. Nowadays, people use the ing advice in order to make people trust you. So let’s be smart and use water right
internet as a quick fix to their various issues. Why the earth’s surface, Don’t waste a drop, day or night
trouble yourself when a click of a mouse could In conclusion, both views hold a lot of truth re-
solve your problems? However, this isn’t always spectively. Experts struggle to come down to their 703 million people A thirsty world needs our helping hand
seen in a positive light. An article I recently read student’s level. However, if inspected closely, the To save the water, let’s take a stand
paints a darker portrait. The convenience of connection is clear. Since they have chased their still lack access to
clean water. That’s
technology has brainwashed people to overval- students away with technical jargon, the stu- Together we can make a change
ue the words of the online community and dis- dents have no option but to find refuge in on- Find solutions and rearrange
miss the words of experts. Such behaviour is a line articles that are far simpler to understand; 1 in 10 people on the In a thirsty world, we’ll make it right
fast track to falling prey to all kinds of rumours leading them straight into a life of online depen- And bring hydration into our sight
and keeps you narrow-minded. dence.
So raise your cup and give a toast
Even covering how the immense platform and To remedy this, experts must learn to become
To a world where water is not a ghost
influence of celebrities (with no relation to the amiable like the celebrities that have stolen their
In this thirsty world, we’ll make a change
topic) is devaluing the advice of real experts. On audience; creating better outlets for sharing
a bleaker note, the writer makes a comment on their knowledge. And said celebrities must be And bring hydration within everyone’s range
the seemingly dumber failure ahead of us. held accountable for the lies they spread.
A Poem by Obehi Henshaw-Ativie | Year 8 Senegal