Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 31
P. 5

From the
 Principal’s Desk  Participating in                           Doing an After School Activity helps pupils to

                                                              manage stress and enables them to relax.

                 co-curricular                                There is an expression in English which goes
                                                              “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
                                                              Co-curricular activities provide the opportu-
            activities will also                              nity to concentrate efforts somewhere else.

                 help a pupil’s                               Participating in co-curricular activities will

 The School Produc-  university                               also help a pupil’s university applications.
                                                              They are an essential part of any good uni-
 Robert Franklin  applications.                               versity application. They can show that a
 Principal  tion rehearsal start-                             pupil can commit to something and pursue

 Dear Parents,  ed the week’s  activ-                         it.

 ities and throughout                                         Finally, co-curricular activities also help to
 t has been a very busy week at The Regent                    develop leadership; taking the initiative,

 Secondary School. Our pupils in Year 9 un-  the week there were   Co-curricular  activities  fuel  learning  by   driving  a  team  effort  and  organising  and
 Idertook their Checkpoint Examinations this   stimulating creative thought, improving so-  encouraging those around you are all im-
 week. The examinations were conducted in   over fifty activities   cial and organisational skills, developing in-  portant life skills.
 the Assembly Hall by the British Council from   terests and talents, and by providing a com-
 Tuesday to Thursday. The examinations take   taking place.   plimentary diversion from purely academic
 place in three subjects only: English, math-  study. They help to improve social skills. In-
 ematics and science. Then on Thursday and   teracting with peers is essential to ensuring

 Friday the IGCSE Art candidates in Year 11 had   a Secondary School experience is as rich as
 their IGCSE Art Examination. Also, on Friday the   it can be.
 IGCSE Examination schedule began. The ex-
 aminations will last throughout May and into   it offers. We offer opportunities for our pupils   Co-curricular activities lead to improved
 June.   to extend themselves in many different ways   academic performance. You might think
 and new activities are being proposed to add   that participating in co-curricular activities
 This week, the After School Activities got un-  to the richness.  will  detract  from  schoolwork,  but  that  isn’t
 derway. The School Production rehearsal   the case. Active participation in an activity a
 started the week’s activities and throughout   Last Friday, we celebrated the achievements of   pupil is passionate about will improve their

 the week there were over fifty activities taking   the pupils in the ASA Accolades Assembly. The   brain functioning. They will develop their
 place. Although The Regent Secondary School   importance of the co-curricular programme   concentration and time management skills.
 traditionally has a wonderful reputation for   in schools cannot be overstated. It is equally
 academic success, it is now also getting rec-  as important as the academic programme in
 ognised for the very rich and varied co-curric-  the formation of well-rounded individuals.
 ular programme that

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