Page 41 - Newsletter Week 5 Term 3
P. 41



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  Name of the Student: Eliana Freeman                                                                                          Class:3A

  Title: Why the sea is salty.

  Author: Rosie Dickins
  Genre: Fiction

  Describe your favourite or least favourite character in the book:
  D e s c r i b e y o ur f a v o ur i t e o r l e a s t f a v o ur i t e c har ac t e r in t h e b o o k :
  My least favourite character is the thief and my favourite character is the King.

  A Concise summary:
  Long ago, the sea was not as salty as it is today. There was an emperor who

  possessed a magic millstone that granted him anything he desired. One day, a

  clever but poor thief discovered the existence of the millstone. He dressed in

  his finest clothes and visited the palace, where he pretended to be a sightseer.
  After a tour of the palace, he managed to trick one of the guards into revealing

  the millstone’s location. The thief stole the millstone, but he soon realized that

  he had gotten more than he had bargained for.

  Would you recommend this book to anyone? If yes, why?
  Yes, I would because it is an entertaining fairy tale, it has magic and lots of

  funny characters.

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