Page 11 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 8
P. 11

n 11th October 2024, as part of Busi-
                                                                            ness and Enterprise Week, our school
                                                                   Ohosted a Model World Economic Fo-
                                                                   rum  model  at  Regent  Secondary  School.
                                                                   The event was well-organised, careful-
                                                                   ly  planned, and  very  successful.  We dis-
                                                                   cussed the global economic crises affect-
                                                                   ing four countries: Argentina, India, Rwanda,
                                                                   and Hungary.

                                                                   Not only did we analyse the challenges
                                                                   these nations face, but we also explored
                                                                   practical solutions, applying insights from
                                                                   our economics studies to real-world issues.

                                                                   We were also joined by guest parents who

                                                                   shared their views on the economic situa-
                                                                   tion  in Nigeria  and  offered  their solutions.
                                                                   The musical performances during the event
                                                                   added to the overall experience, making it
                                                                   even more enjoyable.

                                                                   I am very grateful to the senior leadership
                                                                   team and my economics teachers for this
                                                                                                  - Iwara Osim
                                                                                                  Year 11 Benue

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