Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 8
P. 4

From the                                                                                                                                                              From The Principal’s Desk
       Editorial Desk

                                                                                                                                                                                 while we celebrate these events,
        Valentine Thomas | Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               they will always remain secondary

 T he                 House last week as well. What did                                                                                                                                   to our primary focus—
                        It was a clean sweep for Senegal
                                                                                                                                                                                           academic excellence.

                         they sweep? How clean was it?

                                                                                                                                             Philip Reynolds
                       magine yourself having hosted an event. Perhaps not just any event,                                                     Principal
                       but one that included many important dignitaries. Not just an event                                                                                               Regent, ensuring that every student reaches
                  Iwith only important dignitaries but an event that involves world dig-                                                                                                 their full potential and we are always looking

                  nitaries. Now, imagine that happening at The Regent Secondary School.                                                                                                  to improve. Every event we host is an oppor-
                  The School really hosted the World Economic Forum. That happened.                                                    divided this half-term’s events be-               tunity to demonstrate not just the talents of
                                                                                                                                       tween last week and this week, knowing
                  Actually, it was a mock World Economic Forum. You would not want to                                             I                                                      our students but the solid foundation of aca-
                  miss the details on page 8.                                                                                          that we had so many to celebrate this             demic achievement that allows these events
                                                                                                                                   week. I am immensely proud to share the               to flourish. Simply put, we can do these events
                  Last week had one of the days that students usually like to experience -                                         incredible achievements and vibrant spirit            because we are just that good academical-
                  mufti day. It was not only about wearing a mufti, and I will not be guilty                                       our school community showed during this               ly and want to provide students with a whole

                  of telling someone else’s story. Just open to page 19.                                                           first half of Term 1.                                 school experience. We aim to ensure that ev-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ery pupil reaches their full academic potential,

                  It was a clean sweep for Senegal House last week as well. What did they                                          Our school has been abuzz with activities             which will always be the cornerstone of our ef-
                  sweep? How clean was it? Your answers wait for you on page 14.                                                   that highlight our students’ exceptional              forts.
                                                                                                                                   talents and teamwork. However, let me
                  Also, Let us observe the celebration of the Hausa/Fulani culture with the                                        make it clear: while we celebrate these               This term, both new and returning pupils have
                  Danfodio Hostel as we navigate to page 22.                                                                       events, they will always remain secondary             responded enthusiastically to their teachers’
                                                                                                                                   to  our primary  focus—academic  excel-               high  expectations.  Our  commitment  to  en-
                  You definitely know about sleep, snooze, nap, but do you know about                                              lence.                                                hancing communication with parents  and

                  power nap? The medical corner this week educates you about power                                                                                                       fostering a supportive environment around
                  nap. It is important that you read about power nap as there is much you                                          At The Regent Secondary School, from the              each child strengthens this academic drive.
                  would learn. Trust me.                                                                                           Board down to the Principal and the Ac-
                                                                                                                                   ademic team, we are unwavering in our                 It has been a busy but deeply fulfilling start to
                                                                                                                                   commitment to academic success. Sup-                  the year, and we are driven to continue this
                                                                                                                                   ported by our excellent Pastoral team,                momentum.
                                                                                                                                   the academics hold standards high at

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