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    In addition, Year 3 students begin to prepare for the Cambridge Primary Progress tests and                                                  TTRS REWARDS!
    termly Control tests. These provide valuable insight into their academic progress and readi-
    ness for future learning. These assessments serve as a milestone for students to showcase their
    knowledge and skills while highlighting areas for further growth and development.                                        As part of our victory in the TTRS competitions last term, we were awarded two
                                                                                                                             gift cards for the best classes in the competition. Year 6 Jaguar came in first glob-
    To help the children with this transition, we have decided to introduce tablets this term. All Year                      ally and won #100, while Year 6 Lion came in third globally with #50 gift cards.
    2 children are required to bring a tablet to school from the beginning of this term.
                                                                                                                             We used their gift cards to buy some resources for the children to enjoy. They were

                                                                                                                             excited and thank TTRS for the gift cards! Well done kids for making Abuja Prep

    The recommended tablet is a Galaxy Tab A9 with OS Android 13, One UI 5.1 and above, and

    Internal Memory of 128Gb and 8Gb RAM. This model will help maximise the learning experi-
    ence and the tablets’ life span. During the term, the students will learn how to navigate through
    Google Classroom, access and submit written assignments, search for information online, and
    follow up on teaching resources posted in Google Classroom for reinforcement at home.

    In addition, the children will also use their tablets for Numbots, which is part of the Times Ta-
    ble Rock Stars APP and is an excellent tool for developing Mathematical fluency.
    Have a wonderful week.

    Kind Regards
    Dominique Dyer.

                     DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER                                          DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER
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