Page 6 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 2
P. 6
From The Principal’s Desk
I would also like to take a moment to cele- Moreover, Friday’s COBIS Games Fundraising
brate the life of a true cultural icon and ex- Day went incredibly well, thanks to the dedi-
ample of the strength of diversity on and off cation and participation of everyone involved.
the screen, James Earl Jones, who passed
away at 93 on September 9, 2024. Known as As we reflect on this week, I encourage us all
the voice of a billion childhoods, James Earl to come together as a community and of-
Jones’ powerful performances as Star Wars’ fer support to those affected by the floods
Darth Vader and The Lion King’s Mufasa in Maiduguri. Let us continue embodying the
have left an indelible mark on generations. I values of generosity, unity, and compassion
was ten when Star Wars was released, and I that make The Regent School a special place.
vividly remember the unforgettable impact
of his voice. He was a shining example of the Thank you for your ongoing support.
strength that comes from diversity, proudly
embracing his African American, Irish, and
Native American heritage.
As we reflect on this week,
James Earl Jones was more than just a
I encourage us all to come
voice; he was a legendary actor whose
together as a community
career spanned decades. He became the
leading Black actor of his generation, win-
and offer support to those
ning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony
affected by the floods in
Award and inspiring millions worldwide. His
performances on stage and screen, includ- Maiduguri.
ing roles in The Great White Hope, Driving
Miss Daisy, and Fences, showcased his im-
mense talent and left an enduring legacy of
I am pleased to share some positive news
from within our school. Our staff has recent-
ly completed Fire Safety training, ensuring
we are fully prepared for emergencies.
This week, we also marked the successful Kind regards,
launch of our After School Activities (ASA)
program, which has been met with enthusi- Philip Reynolds
asm from both students and parents. Principal, Regent Secondary School