Page 3 - Sports day Program PY
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Welcome to the twenty-fifth annual
Regent School Sports Day. Welcome to the twenty-fifth annual
Regent School Sports Day. The aim of the Sports Day is for all our students to
demonstrate their athletic talents in an atmosphere of
Please help us by staying behind the
friendly competition. Above all, the day will be fun,
rope at all times.
celebrating all accomplishments.
Welcome to the twenty-fifth annual Regent
School Sports Day.
The aim of the Sports Day is for all our
students to demonstrate their athletic
talents in an atmosphere of friendly
competition. Above all, the day will be fun,
celebrating all accomplishments.
Students may then be picked up from the
classrooms by parents /carers with the
pick up ID card.
Mums’ 30m Race
Dads’ 50m Race
Female Staff 30m Race
Male Staff 50m Race
Final Result
Awarding of the
Winners’ Cup
Students leave the field.