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Praise, Praise, Praise

                                                                                                                                    At Abuja Prep, we follow a Positive Behaviour policy. We believe children learn
                                                  A Message from                                                                    how to behave best through positive and consistent guidance, which means we

                                                                                                                                    focus on noticing and praising good behaviour. When we model and encourage,
                                                  MRS. DYER                                                                         we teach children what ‘Good Behaviour’ looks like.

                                                  HEAD OF SCHOOL                                                                    Children often mimic those around them, so our actions speak louder than words.
                                                                                                                                    Through kindness, patience, and politeness from adults and their peers, they as-
                                                                                                                                    pire to reflect these qualities.

                                                                                                                                    Our positive behaviour strategy focuses on a five-step principle. These steps
                     ear Parents,                                                                                                   provide clarity on expectations within the classroom and throughout the school.
                     We have had another busy week at Abuja Prep. Many of our year 6 pupils                                         Staff and older pupils model the behaviours we want children to exhibit, and we
          Dhad an exciting weekend at Regent Secondary School’s ‘Crazy Weekend’.                                                    reinforce these lessons through circle times, assemblies, PSHE sessions, and daily

          This was an opportunity to experience many lessons and activities, as well as boarding                                    routines.
          for the weekend.
          We have discussed our behaviour policy and how this links to Safeguarding at Abuja


          Happy Students, Happy Teachers, Happy Parents
          This simple yet profound ethos makes Abuja Prep a truly special place. We aim for
          our children to arrive at school with a smile, eager to embark on a day filled with fun

          and learning. A key element in achieving this is our strong partnership with you, our
          parents. When you feel confident dropping your children off, knowing they will be
          cared for, nurtured, and have a wonderful day, your children pick up on that positivity

          and excitement.

                                                                                                                                    When children get it right, we praise them; when they make mistakes, they are
                                                                                                                                    guided and given opportunities to improve. We believe learning good behaviour is

                                                                                                                                    like learning any other subject, such as Maths or Music. We don’t expect children
                                                                                                                                    to arrive at school knowing exactly how to behave – we teach and nurture this skill
                                                                                                                                    like any other.

           To ensure this, we maintain an open-door policy. If you have concerns or worries,
           please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher through the Class Dojo or                                         You, as parents, play a vital role in this process. By setting clear expectations, mod-
           schedule a meeting. Promptly addressing concerns helps create a calm and supportive                                      elling the behaviours you want to see, and praising your child when they get it
           environment. After all, when you’re worried, your child is likely to feel the same.                                      right, you help reinforce the lessons learned at school.

                     DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER                                            DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER
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