Page 19 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 22
P. 19

Practice Good Hand Hygiene:

      Wash your hands frequently with soap and
      water for at least 20 seconds, especially after
      coughing, sneezing, or touching surfaces in

      public places. If soap and water are not avail-

      able, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

      Cover Your Mouth and Nose:

 How To   When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth
      and nose with a tissue or your elbow, not your

      hands. It may prevent those around you from
 Prevent   getting sick. Flu viruses spread mainly by drop-

 Article By    lets made when people with flu cough, sneeze
 Nurse Oluwadamilola  or talk. Dispose of used tissues properly and
 El-kanemi Hostel Matron  Flu  wash your hands afterwards to prevent the

      spread of germs.

      Avoid Close Contact:
 lu is a contagious respiratory illness   This  guide  outlines  key  preventive  mea-
 caused  by  influenza  viruses.  Each   sures  and  healthy  habits  that  individuals   Try to avoid close contact with individuals who

 F year,  millions  of  people  worldwide   can adopt to protect themselves and oth-  are  sick,  and  if  you are  sick,  stay  home  from
 are affected by the flu, leading to significant   ers  from  the  flu,  emphasizing  the  impor-  work,  school,  or  social  gatherings  to  prevent
 morbidity, healthcare utilization, and eco-  tance of vaccination, good hygiene prac-
      spreading the flu to others.
 nomic burden.   tices, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

 While the flu can be a mild illness for some, it   By working together and taking proactive   Keep Surfaces Clean:
 can cause severe complications, particular-  steps to prevent the flu, we can contribute   Regularly clean and disinfect frequently
 ly in vulnerable populations such as young   to a healthier and more resilient society.   touched surfaces and objects in your home,
 children, the elderly, pregnant women, and   Below are the preventive measures against
      school,  or workplace,  such as  doorknobs,
 individuals with underlying health condi-  the flu.
      countertops, and electronic devices.
 tions. Fortunately, many cases of the flu can
 be prevented through simple yet effective
      Practice Respiratory Etiquette:
 measures. By implementing strategies to
      Encourage others to practice good respiratory
 reduce the spread of the flu virus and bol-
 stering our body’s natural defences, we can   etiquette by covering their mouths and noses
 minimize the impact of the flu on our com-  when coughing or sneezing, and disposing of

 munities and safeguard our health.   tissues properly.

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