Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 22
P. 4
From The Principal’s Desk
Funfair Art Exhibition
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next
It was wonderful to see so many of you at week there will be an Art Exhibition of stu-
last Saturday’s Fun Fair and Concert. I real- dent’s work so far this year in the Gallery.
ly hope that you enjoyed the day. I am sure
Inter-House Cooking
that the children had a fantastic time. The
FoRSS worked tirelessly throughout the day
to ensure it ran to plan. There was great ex- Competition
citement at the time of the raffle with many
On the last Friday of this half term, the In-
super prizes to be won. Unfortunately, not ev-
ter-House Cooking Competition will take
eryone can be lucky enough to be drawn out
of the drum but for those who were, it was a
memorable day.
Educational Trip
I would like to thank the FoRSS for all their
During the half-term break, a group of
hard work organising the event and over-
nearly forty students from KS3 will trav-
Robert Franklin seeing it on the day. Also, many thanks to el to Egypt on a Humanities Trip to vis-
Principal the Regent School teachers, administration it Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. The aim of the
staff and support staff, without whose sup-
trip is to expose students to the rich and
Dear Parents, port and hard work the day would not have diverse history, geography and culture of
been possible.
Egypt. They will visit the Pyramids, the Kar-
e have come to the end of the Sport Day nak Temple and Abu Simbel, to mention just
penultimate week of this half- some of the highlights of the trip.
W term, meaning there is only
Tomorrow, the Regent Secondary School
one week left before the half-term break. The trip also includes a cruise along the Nile
Sport’s Day takes place on the school field. All
We will continue with our academic pro- River, where students will spend four nights on
four Houses are looking forward to the com-
gramme and co-curricular programme the boat. It is the first time The Regent Sec-
petition, which provides a great number of
right up to the very end, so attending ondary School has run a trip to Egypt and we
points for the Regent Challenge. Parents are
school until it closes is extremely import- will share the experiences of the group with you
very cordially invited to come and support
ant. in a special newsletter, which will be published
the House of their son/daughter. At the end
after the break.
of the event, there will be a tug of war and
there is also a race for parents. It promises to
be an exciting event, so come along and give
your support.