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Coming Soon
A Message from • Love and Care Day - Friday 14th February
• Abuja Prep Primary Sports Day – Saturday 15th February - At the Regent Sec-
MRS. DYER • World Book Day – Thursday 6th March
ondary School
HEAD OF SCHOOL • Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) Rest of the World Rocks Competition –
Tuesday 11th – Thursday 13th March
Times Table Rock Stars
Times Table Rock Stars is a programme we use in school to help develop chil-
ear Parents, dren’s Mathematical fluency. In Key Stage 1, your child will have a ‘Numbots
I can’t believe we have already reached mid-term. Parents will receive their Account’, which gives them access to Mathematical games that help them practice
Dchildren’s mid-term report by Thursday, 13th February. If you want to dis- Key Concepts they have learnt in school. If you are unsure of your child’s login
cuss your child’s report or have any concerns, contact the class teacher, who will ar- details, contact your child’s class teacher.
range to meet with you. In Year 3, the children progress to Times Table Rock Stars, a fun way to learn
times table facts and ensure they can swiftly recall up to 12x12. The more they
Friday is our annual Love and Care Day, which is a day when the children come to practice, the faster they will get and the better they will likely do in their Control
school in ‘Mufty’ in exchange for donating to support our community service pro- tests, Progress tests and Maths lessons.
jects. We will have a ‘Denim Day’; this year and encourage all children to wear a white
top/T-Shirt and blue denim jeans. Bring donations of food, children’s clothes, shoes, How Can Parents Support Children with Maths Fluency?
toys or money. We will distribute these to some worthy causes around Abuja. Encourage your child to spend a few minutes daily practising on the App.
Ensure they are practising the times table facts that they are struggling with.
Our School Sports Day is Saturday 15th February, 8 am at The Regent Second- One way to track your child’s progress is through their heat map.
ary School. Ensure your child arrives at The Regent Secondary School before 8 am.
The children must be in their PE kit, a bottle of water and a small snack. Please en- What is a heat map?
sure your child has everything they need with them, as the children will be seated with A heatmap is all about fluency, measured through speed.
their house teams, and parents will not be able to cross over to them. Every student who uses TT Rock Stars has a heat map. It shows you (and them!)
how quickly they’re correctly responding to each fact.
Heatmaps start coloured grey, and as the student plays in all the different game
modes (all except Jamming because Jamming doesn’t have a timer) their heat maps
will be colour-coded to show their speed. TTRS takes an average of the last 10
times they answered that fact. Here’s the colour key:
A dark red shows that in their last 10 attempts of the fact, they answered in over
10 seconds. A dark green shows that in their last 10 attempts of the fact, they an-
swered in under 1 second.
Did you know, you can view your child’s heatmap? This is a handy tool to
check where your child is thriving and where they’re not-so-thriving.