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One key goal of primary school art education is to foster a love of art and inspire children to
                                                                schedule.                                                    continue exploring their artistic passions in the future. Beyond this, art classes and projects
                                                                                                                             also help children develop essential problem-solving, critical thinking, and fine motor skills.
        A Message from                                          We have a busy term ahead; please see the cal-               They learn about the importance of creativity and self-expression, which are crucial for their

        MRS. DYER                                               endar for the full-term activities. In the next              artistic development and overall cognitive and emotional growth.
                                                                few weeks, we have:

        HEAD OF SCHOOL                                          •  Workers Day: Wednesday 1st May                            The Cambridge Primary Curriculum is a widely recognized framework for primary school
                                                                •  Art Exhibition: 6th -7th May                              education. It emphasizes art and creative subjects and aims to provide children with a

                                                                •  Music Concert: 20th-22nd May.                             well-rounded education that nurtures their creativity, curiosity, and social skills. The art cur-
                                                                    DELF A1.1 Tuesday 28th May                               riculum encourages children to develop their artistic talents, explore different mediums, and
                                                                    Mid Term break Monday 27th May-Friday
                                                                    31st May
                                                                •  Primary School Art: Fostering Creativity

                                                                    and Expression in Young Minds.

                                                                Art education is a cornerstone of our curricu-

                                                                lum at Abuja Prep. It provides a unique plat-
                                                                form for self-expression and creativity, crucial
                                                                for shaping young minds. Through art, chil-
                                                                dren learn to express themselves, communi-
                                                                cate their thoughts and emotions, and explore

      Dear Parents,
      We are now well into a busy term. Clubs began

      last week, with many exciting activities happen-
      ing around the school. If you would like your                                                                          express themselves meaningfully.
      child to join, please inform your child’s class                                                                        Our art exhibition next week is an opportunity for the children to showcase their artistic
      teacher and transfer the payment receipts to                                                                           achievements and talents to the broader school community, including you and their parents.

      the bursar or teacher through the class dojo.             the world around them visually and tactilely.                Your presence and support are invaluable in boosting their confidence and self-esteem and
      Congratulations to our Year 6 students for                At Abuja Prep, children are exposed to vari-                 fostering a sense of pride in their work. By participating in the art exhibition, they learn val-
      completing their Cambridge Primary Check-                 ous art mediums, including painting, drawing,                uable skills such as teamwork, communication, and presentation, which are essential for their
      point exams, a significant milestone in their ac-         sculpture, and clay. They also learn about                   future success.

      ademic journey. As always, they made us proud             different artistic styles, techniques, and move-
      with their diligence and steady confidence.               ments, which helps them develop a deeper                     By providing children with a strong foundation in art, we are helping to shape the artists and
                                                                appreciation for art and its rich history. By                creative thinkers of tomorrow.
      Next week, we are thrilled to present our an-             experimenting with various mediums and                       The art exhibition will be open from Monday morning’s drop-off. You are welcome to come

      nual Art Exhibition. This is a unique opportu-            exploring their creativity, children can discov-             in at any time; however, you may want to go with your child at the end of the school day.
      nity to see the incredible artwork your children          er their artistic talents and gain confidence in             We look forward to welcoming you. Have a wonderful week, everyone.
      have been creating throughout the year. The               their abilities.                                             Kind Regards
      exhibition will be open during drop-off and                                                                            Dominique Dyer.

      pick-up times, so you can easily fit it into your

                     DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER                                            DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER
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