Page 34 - Newsletter Week 9 term 3.2
P. 34


                                                              It was there where I had my first

                                                              exposure to ICT and helped foster                                                                                            With all the activities offered to us,

                                                              my love for computers. Some of my                                                                                            from end of year drama

                                                              earliest memories was                                                                                                        performances to after-school clubs

                                                              drawing houses on Paint. I carried                                                                                           to even PE, I learnt teamwork and

                                                              this support throughout my life and                                                                                          the value of being a teamplayer,

                                                              pursued a degree in Software                                                                                                 which helps me in my day-to-day

                                                              Engineering from University of                                                                                               roles and also in the way I show up

                                                              Guelph, Ontario, Canada. I                                                                                                   for and contribute to my team.

                                                              currently work as a Software                                                                                                 Being at Regent Primary taught me
                ANEMME BASSEY
                                                              Engineer at Microsoft.                                                                                                       that I can try anything that is
             REGENT ALUMNI 2010

                                                                                                                                                                                           available to me and that when you

                                                              One of the things I remember from                                                                                            dream big, the sky is the starting

      My name is Anemmeabasi and                              Regent Primary was always being                                                                                              point and not the limit.

      I went to Regent Primary from                           encouraged to think outside the box,

      2002 to 2010. Having a strong                           to not limit my dreams, because

      foundation like Regent Primary                          with hard work, determination and

      has helped me in every venture I                        encouragement, I could accomplish

      have taken since my departure.                          anything I set my mind to.

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                                                                                                                                                                      THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL
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