Page 48 - Newsletter week 13
P. 48


                Apprecialtion From Some of The Orphanage

                                      Homes in Attendance

                                                              e are writing to express our heartfelt
                                                              gratitude for the kind invitation to the
                                                              Early Years session at Regent School. It
                                                Wwas a delightful experience for us, and we
                                               are truly thankful for the warm reception we

                                               We were particularly touched by the thoughtful gifts

                                               of foodstuffs and the cash provided for
                                               transportation. Your generosity made our visit                                               CLICK HERE TO WATCH
                                               comfortable and memorable, and we deeply
                                               appreciate your support and kindness.

   Halal Childrens Home                                                                                                                    THE KIND HEART’S DAY
                                               Thank you once again for your hospitality and for mak-
                                               ing us feel so welcome. We look forward to future in-
                                                                                                                                                             VIDEO RECAP
                                               teractions and collaborations with Regent School.

                                               With warm regards,

                      e are profoundly grateful for your
                      invitation to the Early Years Kind
                      Hearts’ Day. The affection and care
         Wdisplayed by your students and staff
       made the event truly memorable for our children.

       We sincerely appreciate the warmth and
       generosity extended to us. Your kindness has made
       a significant impact on all of us, and we are
       excited about the possibility of future collaborations.

       With heartfelt thanks,

                                                                                   Al-Al Ansar
                                                                               Orphanage Home

                                                                                                                                                                         THE REGENT SCHOOL
                                               THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                                                                   THE REGENT SCHOOL
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