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 From  Celebrating various cultures worldwide is always fun in Abuja Prep, considering we house
       students from over 11 countries worldwide. This year, the theme for the celebration is
 Ms. Juliet's desk  “Festivals”.

       special observances or an often periodic celebration or program of events or entertain-
 Deputy Head of School  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a festival as “a time of celebration marked by
       ment having a specified focus”. From this definition, our key focus here is to help our
       students embrace the cultural differences in our small community, leading to a greater
       understanding of each other.

 Dear Parents,   Our Festival celebration provides students with invaluable exposure to cultural diversity
       in a tangible environment. Through music, dance, cuisine, and drinks, students and their

 Welcome to another week. Congratulations to our “Bambini” team, which came 3rd   families can understand the various cultures represented at the event.
 in the annual football tournament organised by Regent Schools. Congratulations to all   Below is a list of all the festivals we will be represented this year;
 the children who came to represent the school in the under-7 and 11 categories. For
 our parents and friends who came to cheer and support us, we say “thank you” for   Playgroup: from Japan, Bubbles Festival

 always turning up and making the loudest cheer as usual.   Nursery: from Australia, NAIDOC day
       Reception: from Nigeria, Edo Festival
       Year 1: USA, Balloon Festival
       Year 2: Brazil, Rio Carnival
       Year 3: Egypt, Sphinx Festival

       Year 4: Nigeria, Ojude Oba
       Year 5: India, Festival of Colours
       Year 6: China, Chinese New Year
       Specialists/Admin/Kitchen: Hawaii, Aloha Festival

       Please check the class dojo for more information about the costumes required for the

       day. Your child’s teacher has posted pictures on the dojo of costume ideas.

 So, what do we have for this week? The year is fast coming to an end, and we can’t   This celebration promises to be exciting, especially for the new parents in our commu-
 wait to see all the good things 2025 has in store for us.   nity.

       Mark your calendars for Saturday, 7th December 2024. The venue is the Regent Second-
 Calendar Reminders   ary School.
 Thursday, 21st November: Taekwondo grading for the students in the Taekwondo
 club.    Have a lovely week ahead.

 Thursday, 27th to 2nd December: Control Test for students in Years 3 to 6
 Wednesday, 4th December: Roman Day for students in Year 3   Juliet Goje.
 Saturday, 7th December: International food and cultural day.

 DISCOVER  DEVELOP  DELIVER  DISCOVER                    DEVELOP                         DELIVER
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