Page 5 - Newsletter week 13
P. 5

2.  Limit screen time: Set limits on device   I therefore would like to take this

 their mental well-being, helping them to   usage and encourage students to   opportunity to thank you for your support
 recharge and improve their overall mood   engage in activities that do not involve   over the past term, and to
                           Shaun Stockden
 and emotional stability.   screens, such as reading, playing board   wish you all enjoyable, safe, and above
 games, or spending time  outdoors. This
      all, relaxing break and I look forward to
 Additionally, physical health is equally   can help   welcoming you all back
 important, and rest provides an  reduce mental stimulation before  to school on Monday 15 th April
 opportunity for students to recover from    bedtime and promote better quality
 the physical exertion of daily routines.   sleep.
 Proper rest enhances the immune   help reduce mental stimulation before   Shaun Stockden – Headmaster.
 system, ensuring that students are ready   bedtime and promote better quality
 to face the challenges of the upcoming   sleep.
 term.  3. Encourage relaxation techniques:
 Teach students simple relaxation

 By understanding the benefits of rest for   techniques like deep breathing
 mental and physical health, primary   exercises, meditation, or listening to
 students can prioritise their well-being   calming music. These techniques can
 during the holidays and ultimately reap   help them unwind, reduce stress levels,
 the rewards in terms of improved   and promote a sense of calmness.
 academic performance and an overall
 4.  Create a restful environment: Ensure
 sense of well-being.
 the holiday environment is conducive to
 rest by establishing a quiet and
 Now that we have established the
 comfortable space for relaxation.
 importance of rest for primary students
 Encourage students to use this
 during the holiday season, it is crucial to
 spacefor activities like reading,
 explore strategies that can be
 listening to music, or simply taking a nap.
 implemented to encourage and promote
 adequate rest. Incorporating these
 strategies into the holiday routine can   By implementing these strategies,
 help students maximise their relaxation   parents and educators can create an
 time and reap the benefits of a   environment that prioritizes rest
 well-rested break.  and relaxation for primary students
 during the holiday season. Remember, a
 1.  Establish a consistent sleep schedule:
 well-rested student is a
 Encourage students to maintain a
 happy and successful student.
 regular bedtime and wake-up time, even
 during the holidays. Consistency in sleep
 patterns will help their bodies establish
 a natural rhythm and ensure they get
 enough restorative sleep.

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