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have her books on sale at the end of the day if SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD THROUGH TESTS AND EXAMS
parents want to purchase one. Supporting your child with preparing for tests is an essential role that parents play in their child’s
A Message from academic success. Tests can often be a source of stress for children, but with the proper guid-
ance and support, parents can help their children build confidence and develop effective study
MRS. DYER strategies. Parents can ensure their children are well-prepared for upcoming tests by implement-
ing small amounts of studying each day.
HEAD OF SCHOOL One of the most effective ways to support your child in test preparation is by breaking it down
into small, manageable chunks.
Encourage your child to study a little each day rather than cramming all the information simul-
taneously. Spacing out learning sessions over several days has been scientifically proven to en-
hance retention and improve long-term memory. By allocating short study periods daily, your
The Key Stage 2 children are all busy prac- child will absorb and retain the knowledge more effectively.
tising on their Times Tables Rock stars plat- Furthermore, a conducive study environment is critical for your child’s success. Ensure they
form, ready for The Rest of the World Rocks have a quiet and well-lit area to study, free from distractions such as television or excessive
competition, which starts next Tuesday, March noise. By creating a dedicated study space, you are sending a message to your child that their
12th, and finishes Thursday, March 14th. Please education is a priority.
encourage them to keep up their practice as
this significantly impacts their progress in other
areas of Maths. The children also begin their
Control tests next Thursday, March 14th. Please
support your child by giving them a quiet place
Dear Parents, to complete any revision homework their teach-
ers have set. Remember, for a child in Year 3,
IT’S WORLD BOOK DAY! just a few minutes a day is enough time for
them to prepare; the children are preparing in
We are all excited for our World Book Day class, and their teacher will advise them on what
tomorrow. The children in Years 1-6 have they need to practice. A crucial aspect of test preparation is understanding the material rather than memorising it.
been busy creating their characters, designing Please encourage your child to ask questions and seek clarification on anything confusing. Help
their book covers and writing character de- Notable Events for the Week them develop a deeper understanding of the subject by engaging in discussions and exploring
scriptions. Tomorrow, we are looking forward Thursday, March 7th – World Book Day different perspectives. By fostering a curious mindset, you support your child in becoming an
to seeing them dressed as their characters. Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th Times Table active learner, significantly benefiting them during exams and their overall academic journey.
The children should use only items they have Rock Stars: The Rest of the World Rocks com-
at home, so there is no need to go shopping petition. Please encourage your children to It is essential to balance supporting your child and allowing them to take responsibility for their
for costumes. The Early Years children may spend a few minutes practising on the TTRS learning. Encourage independence by gradually reducing your involvement as they grow up.
come dressed as any favourite book charac- platform each day. Please resist the temptation to micromanage or complete tasks on their behalf. Instead, provide
ter. Thursday March 14th – Control Tests for KS2 guidance and be available to answer questions when needed. Building their self-confidence and
begin self-reliance will enable them to navigate future challenges easily.
During World Book Day, the children will Monday March 25th – Reports out
enjoy many book-related activities, includ- Tuesday 26th/ Wednesday 27th – Parent Teach- Have a wonderful week.
ing visiting storytellers and a children’s Book er conferences. Take care
Author, Lara Craft, who will be reading from Thursday, March 28th: The Last Day of the
one of her books to some children. She will term. Dominique.