Page 4 - Newsletter week 12 term 3.2
P. 4

throughout the year. Some tasks, such as the
    lesson planning and marking of our teachers
    are obvious to all, butthere is a large team of

    supportive staff who work tirelessly
    behind the scenes to make our school run as
    smoothly as it does. From the early morning

    cleaning and preparation of classrooms to the
    many Saturdays and evenings our Admin and
    Support teams work to ensure that events are
    ready for you and your children, we value
    every contribution of our members who make

    our community the exceptional environment it
    is. As we look to conclude the year and you look
    forward to your hiolidays, do so knowing that

    planning is already underway to
    welcome your children back to an even better
    year next year.
    Shaun Stockden - Headmaster

               Finally a word of

            thanks to our staff.
         We are truly blessed to

              have such a caring

             and dedicated staff
             here at The Regent

            School and without

          them we would not be
           the school we are to-


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