Page 3 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 10
P. 3
Content Editorial Desk
From the
Valentine Thomas | Editor
03 have to know how to react in case of
Actually, it was a drill. The students
04 other emergencies apart from fire.
Editorial Desk old shivers pervaded my body yesterday as I balled up in a foetal curl
06 Principal’s Desk C crouched in different positions under their tables and against the wall. I
against the wall. The twenty-two students under my watch were all
was supposed to be responsible for their safety while a shooter (or more) was
22 would have been if it was real. Actually, it was a drill. The students have to know
Accolades Assembly supposedly on a rampage on the school premises. What an experience that
how to react in case of other emergencies apart from fire.
28 Obi Theme Night Once again, the school celebrated academic excellence last Friday during the
Accolades Assembly. There, the top of the batch was celebrated across each
30 The hostel was transformed last weekend into a section of the Igbo ethnic tribe
ParentPreneur year group in the school. I could name them but that would take up most of the
little space I have here. So, visit pages 8 - 22 for details.
32 Alumni Corner as the Obi Hostel embodied the traditions and practices of the people of the
southeastern part of Nigeria. You may want to learn one or two things about
Medical Corner 34 the Igbo tribe or you want to rekindle your pride as an Igbo native, do proceed
to pages 24 - 29.
35 Reader of the Week Sometimes, it could be traumatising to find yourself at an event where there is
an array of different good things to eat, and it happens that you cannot in-
dulge in any of the tantalising dishes on display, simply because you are aller-
Term Dates gic to them. Maybe I would disregard my allergies to have a tasty treat, but the
consequences…? You should navigate to the Medical Corner on pages 34 - 35
for an important lesson. It would do you some good to wind down the week
with yet another educating and entertaining edition of The Regent Digest.