Page 15 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 21
P. 15

Medical Corner  How Do You Start

          A Body Detox?                                              helps your body reduce damage
                                                                     caused by free radicals and may

                                                                     lower your risk of diseases that can
                                                                     impact detoxification.
 DETOXIFICATION  When starting a body detox, you’ll first        •  EAT FOODS HIGH IN PROBIOTICS:
        need to lighten up your toxin load in the
        body because they are obstacles to your
                                                                     Eating a probiotic diet keeps your
        healing processes.
                                                                     digestive system healthy, which is

        •  REDUCE EXCESS ALCOHOL INTAKE:                             important for proper detoxification
                                                                     and immune health. This can also
            Drinking too much alcohol reduces
                                                                     be taken as Supplements.
            your liver’s ability to carry out its nor-
            mal functions, such as detoxifying.
                                                                 •  REDUCE YOUR SALT INTAKE: Con-
                                                                     suming too much salt can increase
                                                                     water retention. You can eliminate
            quate sleep allows your brain to reor-
                                                                     excess water — and waste — by
            ganise, recharge, and eliminate toxins
                                                                     increasing your intake of water and
            that accumulate during the day.
 his means cleansing of the blood. Your                              potassium-rich foods.
 body is well-equipped to eliminate tox-
        •  DRINK MORE WATER: Water therapy is
 T ins and doesn’t require special diets or                      •  STAY ACTIVE: Regardless of your
 expensive supplements. That being said, you   very good. In addition to its many roles   body size, regular physical activi-
 can enhance your body’s natural detoxifica-  The liver performs   in your body, water allows your body’s   ty lowers inflammation and allows
 over 500 essential   products from your blood.                      to work properly. Exercise “YOGA
 tion system.   detoxification system to remove waste                your body’s detoxification system

 Your body has a sophisticated way of elimi-  functions, including   and Jump roping are good.”
 nating toxins and that involves the liver, kid-  •  REDUCE YOUR INTAKE OF SUGAR AND
 detoxifying harmful
 neys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Still,   PROCESSED FOOD:: Excess junk food   In Summary, certain dietary modifica-
 only when these organs are healthy can they   consumption is linked to chronic dis-  tions and lifestyle practices may help
 substances from
 effectively eliminate unwanted substances   eases like obesity and diabetes. These   reduce toxin load and support your
 but  when  these  systems  are  compromised,   conditions can cause harm to organs   body’s detoxification system. This can
 impurities  aren’t  properly  filtered  and  the   the blood.  important to detoxifying, such as your   be achieved as above and even more.
 body will now be adversely affected.    liver and kidneys.

 While detox diets don’t do anything that your
            suming a diet rich in antioxidants
 body can’t naturally do on its own, you can                                          MRS NKIRU OKONKWO
 optimise  your  body’s  natural  detoxification                                 HOSTEL NURSE / MATRON

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