Page 5 - Graduation 2024
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HEAD BOY’S ADDRESS perseverance, and the friendships we have formed.
As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in
our lives, I am reminded of a quote by Nelson
Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon
ood morning, esteemed guests,
WE ARE teachers, parents, and fellow which you can use to change the world.” We are
armed with the knowledge, skills, and values that
our time at The Regent Primary School has
GRADUATES! G provided us. Now, it is our turn to go out into the
It is an honor to stand before you
world and make a positive impact.
today as the Head Boy of The Regent
Primary School’s graduating class of 2024.
We have learned much more than just academics
Today is a day of celebration,
during our time here. We have learned the
reflection, and anticipation for the future.
importance of kindness, empathy, and respect. We
have learned to work together, to support one
First and foremost, I would like to extend my
another, and to celebrate our differences. These
heartfelt gratitude to our teachers. You have
lessons will serve us well as we navigate the
been our guides, mentors, and
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
champions. Your dedication, patience, and
passion for teaching have shaped us into
As we move on to the next stage of our education
the young individuals we are today. Thank
and our lives, let us carry with us the spirit of The
you for believing in us and pushing us to
Regent Primary School. Let us strive to be curious,
reach our full potential.
compassionate, and courageous. Let us aim to be
the best versions of ourselves and to make a
To our parents and families, thank you for
difference in the world around us.
your unwavering support and
encouragement. Your love and guidance
In closing, I would like to leave you with a final
have been our foundation, and your
thought: Believe in yourselves and your abilities.
sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. We are
The journey ahead may be filled with uncertainties,
deeply grateful for all that you have done to
but with determination and perseverance, there is
support us on this journey.
nothing we cannot achieve.
To my fellow graduates, congratulations!
Thank you, and congratulations once again to the
We have come a long way since our first
graduating class of 2024. Here’s to our future and
day at The Regent Primary School. We have
the incredible possibilities that await us!
shared countless memories, faced
challenges, and achieved great things
ELDAD OROK together. Today, we celebrate our hard work,